Financial Freedom with FIC Network

3 min readMay 8, 2018


What is Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom is much more than having money. It’s the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want without having to listen to anybody. It’s the freedom to not have to go to school to study something you aren’t really into or to work at a job you don’t like.

Being wealthy ultimately has the end goal of financial freedom in mind. It means you’re not living paycheck to paycheck. It means you’ve either saved enough that you don’t need to work every day to sustain your lifestyle or you’ve built up enough residual, passive income sources that you’re getting paid while you sleep. Did you hear that? Passive income means getting paid while you sleep or lie on the beach.

With the growing adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology has paved several avenues of innovation that span across industries. Early adopters in this new space have had the opportunity to realize life-changing gains and amass fortunes both small and large. However, as double-digit volatility is at the heart of every cryptocurrency trader due to the speculative nature of the emerging asset class, it is difficult to sustain a consistent, predictable level of return without actively portfolio management.

We’re “hodling” our cryptocurrencies, so why not get paid?

With the recent boom and bust cycle of cryptocurrencies, a common sentiment among crypto traders is to “HODL” onto their crypto holdings through all ups and downs. Some people “hodl” for days, weeks, and months, while some others will even “hodl” for years.

In the news, we have all heard of the equity markets and how stocks go through their own boom and bust cycles. The global stock market is currently valued at $64 trillion; however, what many do not realize is that the global bond market is even bigger with a valuation at $100 trillion with an even higher daily trading volume ($700 billion vs. $200 billion). The bond market allows for the exchange of fixed income instruments that delivery coupon payments at regular intervals. With these predictable series of payments, many traditional investors use this approach to generate passive income streams and accumulate wealth. What is extraordinarily remarkable is that one project, FIC Network, has created a medium for exchanging fixed income instruments on the blockchain, providing an opportunity to generate consistent, predictable rates of return in the cryptocurrency space.

So what is FIC Network?

FIC network is the first project to create a decentralized, trustless network to exchange fixed income instruments with a consistent, predictable return schedule akin to government bonds, corporate bonds, and dividend stocks. The most salient innovation in this project is the consolidation of both crypto and fiat fixed income instruments into one network with transactions that settle within seconds.

As the Blockchain utilizes pseudoanonymous transactions on a public ledger, this approach essentially eliminates the middlemen and with it, a wide range of logistical efficiencies (transaction fees/long settlement times) that come with exchanging in a traditional market. It is with this model that investors can choose to receive payments in either fiat or cryptocurrencies. While other crypto projects have the option of masternodes or dividend-paying tokens, such options generally provide a low rate of return, limited liquidity, and high levels of volatility.

The FIC Network brings much desirable innovation in the blockchain space and capitalizes on a pre-existing $100 trillion market, thereby disrupting traditional financial markets. With the FIC Network, you are guaranteed a fixed, predictable passive income stream to help supplement your lifestyle and to help achieve financial freedom.

