What Does Ihram Mean — Its Significance and Manifestations

Ayeza Hashmi
5 min readSep 7, 2019

What does Ihram mean? Simply stated, Ihram is a set of two un-sewn white clothes; worn as a necessary ritual for performing Hajj or Umrah. The top clothing; called Rida, is used to cover the upper body or the torso. The lower cloth or the izar is used to cover waist down body parts. Seeing thousands of Muslim men wearing the universal white clothing; while they perform Hajj or Umrah, is indeed a sight to see. For Muslim women, Ihram is not any particular code of dress. They may use their regional or cultural preferences as long as it covers their entire body except for face and hands. It is preferable to use a white scarf.

What should I do Before Ihram?

Ihram has to be worn before you pass Miqat. Miqat is designated points outside Makkah. If you are traveling with the intention of Hajj or Umrah, you must perform ghusl at Miqat and should change into Ihram while reciting Talbiya.

“Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners.”

In case enough water is not available, you can simply perform wudu. You need to make an express intention of entering into the state of Ihram. It is highly recommended to offer two rakats of prayer.

What is Forbidden During the State of Ihram?

Ihram comes with stipulated restrictions. Having made an express intention for the state of ihram:

  • Men will no longer be allowed to wear sewn clothes. This restriction does not apply to women. They can wear ordinary stitched clothes.
  • Men will not be allowed to put a cap, cloth or anything on their heads while women cannot cover their faces.
  • It will be forbidden to cut hair or clip nails. Verse 196 of Sarah Baqarah has express prohibition of shaving heads till sacrificial animal reaches the point of slaughtering for ceremonial sacrifice.

And complete the Hajj and ‘Umrah for Allah. But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter [2–196]

  • Any perfume, makeup or closed shoes or socks for men will be off-limit.
  • Hunting animals; for any purpose, so will be forbidden. This is stipulated in verse 95 of Surah Al Ma’aidah.

you who have believed, do not kill game while you are in the state of ihram… [5–95]

  • Physical intimacies with husband or wife will be prohibited for the period of ihram. This restriction is laid down in verse 197 of Surah Baqarah.

So whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of ihram], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during Hajj. [2–197]*

  • It will be generally proscribed to enter into physical or verbal fights, lie or commit any sin during the period of ihram.

What Does Ihram Mean- The Colour White

Ihram has many manifestations. When you try to understand what does ihram mean, reflect that it is not just any dress code but carries a great deal of illustrative emphasis on many of the cardinal principles of Islam. To begin with, the color white is symbolic of cleanliness, piety, purity, and peace. The white Ihram personifies the true principles of Islam regarding inner and outer cleanliness. Today, color psychology states that white stands for new beginnings or a clean slate.

More than fourteen centuries before, white color Ihram was prescribed for Muslims for performing Hajj and Umrah. The color manifests forgiveness of sins and saying goodbye to past wrongdoings. Hajj or Umrah is a spiritual journey that brings mankind closer to the Creator, Allah. The man returns from this journey as if they are pure, free of sins, ready to start a new good life or with a blank canvas; so to speak.

What does Ihram Mean- Equality

Another significance of ihram is that it avoids attraction and distraction of worshippers from their prayers. In the absence of ihram, people would have worn different fabrics, colors, and styles in line with their regional, cultural or personal preferences. It would have highlighted the difference of race, region and financial status if that was the case. The beauty of ihram is that no matter you are white or black, rich or poor, long or short, Arabi or Ajami, you all wear the same thing.

There will be no one who is superior or inferior. And this is what all mankind is in the eyes of the Creator! Equality is an important aspect of Islam. What does ihram mean is that ALLAH does not value wealth or prefer any particular caste or creed. Everyone is equal in front of Allah and only those who excel in piety and good deeds will be superior. This is a reminder that any worldly parameters would not apply on the Day of Judgement.

What Does Ihram Mean- The Journey Towards Allah

Last but not least, Ihram is not just a dress but a state of mind. The purpose of ihram is highlighted in its restriction and in things forbidden during Ihram. Ihram takes you away from worldly distractions and pursuits. It takes your mind off your beauty that you attain by clipping hairs and nails. It forbids perfumes that might attract you to each other. It’s banned attraction between opposite sexes; whether physical or just emotional.

Ihram reinforces that nothing should matter except Allah. And that you are here to seek His forgiveness and Blessings only. Ihram’s similarity with Kafan; the prescribed dress for the deceased while being hurried, is a reminder that to Allah we all may return. Overall, Ihram highlights the simplicity, equality, and purity of thoughts and actions. As millions come to the Creator in the same dress, it teaches fairness and humility.

Why is Ihram Important- The Conclusion:

The above is reflective of what does Ihram means and its importance. By taking you away from worldly distractions, Ihram offers you peace, comfort, and calm. It reroutes the mind away from competitions and brings in sense of content and fulfillment. The essence in the gathering of millions in the same dress, performing the same rituals is to inculcate discipline, unity and the Muslim Brotherhood. Those who have undertaken hajj or Umrah and the state of Ihram, assert that it has brought them alleviation of emotional upsets, inner cleansing, purification of emotions and spirit and overall rejuvenation and strengthening the traveler’s energy system.

May Allah bestow us all the opportunity to undertake this blessed journey and to perform our Hajj or Umrah while correctly following all rituals in the state of Ihram. To embark on the holiest of all journeys, find out the cheapest umrah packages and cheapest hajj packages with Noorani Travel. We are a London based travel agent that deals in all kinds of Hajj Visa and Umrah Visa. Contact us for customized Hajj or Umrah packages at 020 8819 3505. For details visit our website Noorani Travel.

