The Power of Positive Reflections

4 min readJun 2, 2023

I started the my Amal Academy journey with only 1 goal in mind, to enhance and develop my skills like leadership, communication and teamwork etc. I had never imagined the profound impact it would have on the way I think and perceive situations or the one around me.

I can confidently say that the course of this fellowship has made a huge impact on me and changed me as a person. It changed my beliefs and ideas about certain things, over the past three months I have had various interactions with my Program Manager and Associate, my fellow fellows and mostly my circle members.

My strong belief is that the people we surround ourselves with has a huge impact on our personality and mindset, and I can proudly say that through the Amal Academy Fellowship, I am now surrounded by people who are uplifting, helpful, generous, kind and above all amazing human beings who are always ready to work for what they believe in.

I have had many incidents that had a huge impact on me, but one instance that will stay with me for the rest of my life and the one that made me try to be a better person was when a certain negative trait of mine was pointed out by my fellow circle member.

I am not proud of this but I have a habit of making jokes at the expense of others that might end up hurting them as well, one time I was doing this same thing make a joke about someone, and while everyone from the circle was laughing along me, one person messaged me personally and pointed it out, and instead of being condescending about it, they tried to explain to me that it was not a good habit and that it might result in a negative effect on me as well.

When I read that message it was a real eye opener, I realized that sometimes intentionally or unintentionally I tend to put others down through my jokes, although I don’t plan on it but I fail to realize and act insensitive to how others might feel. I understood that this was detrimental to me and my relationship with other people.

If it wasn’t for my fellow circle member who very positively tried to explain it to me by first giving me the context and then asking if they could give me an honest advice if I didn’t mind. It takes courage and kindness to approach someone with an observation and offer advice without being condescending or critical.

When they said this I understood immediately and I really appreciated this act, because in life there are many people who will laugh alongside you but only a few genuine people will tell you where you are wrong without criticizing you and their kindness makes you want to be a better person. If this fellow member had been rude about my habit or criticized me I might have never reflected on it but the positive energy and honesty had an impact on me.

Ever since that day I try not to joke at others expense and observe others closely to know if something I said hurt them. Looking back, I know that this habit of mine had been so deep rooted, it came like second nature to me so unless I can erase it from existence, I would not change anything because it made me meet a genuine person who tried to lift me up and tell me where I was wrong and it is very rare to find. It also demonstrated the power of constructive feedback and genuine concern.

This was one of the instance that had a significant impact on me and if I had not enrolled in the fellowship, it would never be possible.
So when I say that this fellowship has been an incredibly transformative journey for me, there is no second thought about it.

