Market Research Analysis

10 min readJan 20, 2020




TreeTagz is un upcoming boutique that is merging creativity, design and sustainability all on paper. This report contains TreeTagz’s market research and background information on the purpose and aim behind the business. It also showcases the current market state of similar businesses who share the core values of TreeTagz. All of the research and steps that builds this market research report is mentioned in detail.


TreeTagz is a niche boutique business that sells a wide range of celebratory cards and connects the consumer’s purchase with building a greener community through planting trees. TreeTagz targets consumer who are passionate about sustainable products and ethical sourcing.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote environemtal sustainability and highlight how individuals can contribute to making a difference. Consumer contribution is not just a purchase but rather a continuous relationship in which they can be part of a community that supports a larger purpose of saving the environment through planting trees and using sustainable sources of paper. We aim at merging creative cards with sustainable sourcing and offering people alternative paper options that work well for the land and the community. Our mission is to allow our customers to express themselves on their cards and tell the world what is most important to them — sharing good wishes, happy news and helping save our planet one tree at a time.

Business Model Canvas

We used the business model canvas template to communicate the idea behind TreeTagz. It documents our business model, the fundamental elements and visualizes the nine components that present the customer segment, finances, infrastructure and value proposition. Our Business Model Canvas helps with directing the focus and clarity of what our business is trying to achieve.

Competitor Analysis and Brand Positioning

We analyzed three main competitors in the market and discovered that they all share fundamental values towards sustainability but execute them in different styles, in terms of design and uniqueness. We placed the competitors in a brand positioning matrix that roughly draws a comparison of their age, whether they have recently appeared in the market or have been existent for a while, and price range that compares them with each other.

After placing the competitors in a positioning matrix to understand the overall relationship they have with each other, we collected data by analyzing their websites and used research tools such as Alexa by Amazon to further understand their statistics and relationship they have with each other from a quantitative lens. We built a matrix table that elaborates the findings and clarifies factors of successes, strengths and weakness of the competitors in comparison with one another.

Using Alexa for keyword finders as a research tool, the image below illustrate the monthly rate of research done on key words commonly used such as “recycled papers” or “printing cards” which range from 1k -10k times a month. This allows us to understand what words competitors utilize to enhance their customer online search and what words are commonly used to search when purchasing any products related to the used keywords.

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Branding Strategy

TreeTagz as a company is about leaving footprints of growth. TreeTagz’s primary aim is to remind the consumer of how much we use our environment to be creative with our everyday arts and needs, by planting a tree and using handmade materials that are sustainably sourced and ethically labored, we are simply giving back to Mother Nature. Change does start from the individual and with TreeTagz…you cannot grow a garden without planting the first seed!

Why did we start this business?

Most of the items we use to output our creativity in designing or making memorable art comes from paper, and paper usually originates from plant-based sources. This business is focused on outreaching new ways of being creative and making art in sustainable methods, and the consumer will have the direct opportunity to participate in making our Earth greener with every purchase.

What type of imprint are we interested in leaving?

Consumerism itself is self-serving and detaches from the impacts it has on nature, through TreeTagz, the imprint that we are trying to leave behind is to raise awareness on the sourcing of the products consumers purchase and use. Once a consumer is aware of the source of their products and the footprint of it, it will become a priority for them to guarantee ethicality in the production process. We would like our consumers to always ask themselves before purchasing items “how has this item benefitted nature and how will my purchase benefit nature?”. Shedding light on the direct relationship and impact the consumer has on shopping for their needs and wants is a start to building a sustainable market, and what other way to do it than sell cards that share our feelings with the people we love!

What do we believe about the world that is leading to the creation of this business?

With sharp climate changes and careless industries, TreeTagz is created in hopes of raising awareness to our mindless consumption habits. We believe that living in a heavy capitalist market, building companies that aim at highlighting the importance of nature and the environment brings the hope of a path towards a balanced market where we can still produce and sell but on a sustainable rate that benefits both the people and the land.

Why do we do what we do?

We feel responsible for creating a balance in our own market choices in hopes of influencing new businesses in redirecting their primary aim (making profit and gaining popularity) into helping save the environment with every purchase. We are passionate about raising awareness on issues and topics that are difficult for every-day conversations, change does start from the individual and grows from there.

What is the bigger idea?

The products that are sold are cards that contain messages to share with people and their community. It is all about sending a message to people through a sustainably sourced medium, eco-friendly cards! It services the audience by providing a product that has the option to customize the design of their message on a piece of paper that aims at building more teas. Not only are we bringing people close in style, but we're also bringing ourselves closer to nature by directly contributing in planting trees and using materials that are sourced ethically and naturally.

What are our values?

The most important value is to make sure that we are selling quality products and maintaining a balance in providing customer satisfaction through quality and by providing a service back to nature by planting trees. Transparency is another value, we value the importance of sharing our story and processes, step by step, with our customers. Their contribution is not a singular purchase but rather a continuous relationship in which they can be part of a community that supports a larger purpose, saving the environment and having had a tree planted through them. They can feel they have contributed and are making a difference by being part of TreeTagz. We are about community building, tree building, transparency and a greener market.

What’s our voice?

The primary voice for TreeTagz is inclusivity of all consumers and it is dedicated to share the stories that happen on the tree farm with their customers. It is an optimistic sincere brand that works hard at building a greener market and inviting people to be more curious of what they buy and the “greenness” behind their purchases.

What do we participate in?

TreeTagz is committed to partaking in weekly communications with tree farms and building a intimate network with the planters and care takers of the natural resources used in producing the cards. We will host meetings with passionate researchers discussing new ways of minimizing the impact and footprint of our card production. We will also aim at supporting other businesses that share the same aim in using ethically sourced products and build more farms. The competition exists only in how many trees we can all build together as a market, that is the ultimate profit.

Value Proposition

Our value proposition is a promise of value to be achieved, communicated, and acknowledged. It can be summarized as offering customers and the land outlets of creativity and growth.

The customer profile includes the customer jobs, gains and pains. The customer’s task includes buying affordable cards, buying ethically sourced products, being part of a community seeking envirnmental change. The pains are low store availability selling sustainable items, unaffordable products with poor quality. The gains would include diverse options of card templates with relevant designs and templates, nearby stores with known sources and transparent production processes.

The product profile includes products and services, gain creators and pain relievers. Products and services include selling eco-friendly cards and with each purchase a tree is planted. The pain relievers would be well situated stores that are not out of the way of targeted consumers, diverse options of creatively designed card templates with options to customize, and all cards are sold within affordable price ranges. The gain creators are access to the tree planting community with weekly updates of the affiliated farms and tree growers, online access to up-to-date research on sustainable ways of shopping and understanding the 2020 green market.

Target Audience

The target audience for TreeTagz are individuals who are seeking to expand their ways of living a sustainable life filled with mindful shopping and products while supporting local farms and helping make their community greener with every purchase. The audience would have an interest in eco-friendly products and contributing to being part of building a greener market and a sustainable culture that values saving the planet in style. While TreeTagz is committed to serving customers in the United States. Although its target audience appears to be niche and limited, there is a definite growth in markets that aim to use sustainable products. Using Audience Insights as a research tool to further understand the current state of the market and who is interested in purchasing sustainable stationery products, the results show that the audience is mainly women (69%) ranging from the age of 25–34.


We created several personas of demographics most likely to be interested in TreeTagz, these personas encompass the different type of consumers that share the ultimate value of purchasing sustainable products. The personas highlight assumptions and stereotypes of the sustainability market audience in the United States.

Persona 1:


Zeena is close to graduating from her Foresty degree with a minor in Environmental Change. She uses Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share, post and reshare any content that discuss better ways of living for the self and the environment. She manages several student clubs at her university, such as the Sustainability Student Association. Her primary sources of gaining information on her studies, interests and future plannings usually derive from online certified blogs, firsthand encounters with professionals and her friends that share similar interests and values as hers. Her biggest challenge is to find restaurants and stores in Los Angeles that are affordable and organically sourced, since the city is larger in the green market, the prices are usually too expensive for her student budget. She struggles to find shops that sells eco-friendly products in the areas closer to her and has to drive further away to purchase items that last longer and are ethically sourced. When she has access to her desired affordable products and activities, Zeena works hard at maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating locally sourced produce, cooking at home and buying products that always support good causes!

Persona 2:


Adam is a 31-year-old engaged project manager that recently graduated with a masters in Management with a focus in Market Analysis. He moved from Boston to Austin for the warmer weather and to experince a new community. During his free time, Adam enjoys hiking, cycling and exploring new parks with his fiancé. Adam grew up around parks and forests during his childhood, he cares deeply for spending time around natural spaces as it reminds him of his time with his family. Because his job is very time-consuming and demanding, he makes sure to make the best out of his free time by surrounding himself in nature and his loved ones. Adam is very careful with how and where he spends his money, because he has a deeper knowledge in Market studies, he chooses his purchases very wisely and consciously. His goals are to maintain a happy dynamic in all areas in his life, especially his work space, and he achieves that by being transparent with coworkers and through building a strong work ethic that focuses on trust and honesty!

