Challenging your Problem-solving Skills and Demonstrate Resilience

Noor Fatima
4 min readMay 22, 2024


It was a part of our project that we had to collect donations for Edhi and AKhuwat Foundations for two weeks. Both organizations are contributing too much to society. The Edhi Foundation is a renowned Pakistani nonprofit organization that provides a wide range of social services, including emergency medical care, orphanages, food banks, and disaster relief. Founded in 1957 by Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife Bilquis Edhi, the organization has become a symbol of hope and compassion in Pakistan.

Here are some key facts about the Edhi Foundation:

1. Emergency Services: Edhi Foundation operates a fleet of ambulances, rescue vehicles, and air ambulances, providing emergency medical care and transportation to those in need.

2. Orphanages: The organization runs several orphanages across Pakistan, providing shelter, education, and healthcare to thousands of children.

3. Food Banks: Edhi Foundation distributes food and clothing to the poor and needy, especially during natural disasters and conflicts.

4. Disaster Relief: The organization has responded to numerous natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and cyclones, providing critical aid and support.

5. Medical Services: Edhi Foundation operates clinics, hospitals, and mobile medical units, offering free or low-cost medical care to millions of people.

6. Social Welfare: The organization supports vulnerable communities, including women, children, and the elderly, through various social welfare programs.

7. International Recognition: Edhi Foundation has received international recognition for its humanitarian work, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award and the Balzan Prize.

8. Transparency and Accountability: The organization is known for its transparency and accountability, with a strong focus on governance and financial management.

So why choose the Edhi Foundation for funds collection?

Since the passing of the esteemed Edhi Sahab, the Edhi Foundation has experienced a significant decline in the natural inflow of donations that it once enjoyed during its lifetime. Recognizing the foundation as one of the most reliable and impactful social welfare organizations in Pakistan, we chose to support it. The foundation’s commitment to humanitarian service aligns closely with our own values and mission, embodying the spirit of “Amal” (action) that Edhi Sahab so deeply believes in.

Experience in Collecting Funds:

Convincing people to donate for a social cause can be challenging, but in our country, especially in Faisalabad, it’s not as hard because people still have compassionate hearts. I shared the fund raiing poster with my friends and collegues. They were impressed by the initiative and appreciated my efforts. Sharing my story on WhatsApp, a juniorreached out to me and she literally appreciated me.


We planned to reach out to the masses through social media. I used WhatsApp for sharing the posters and reaching out to my close ones.

The first task was preparing the poster. Mr Tuaseen in our group, took this challenge and developed a poster for us.


The account details were mentioned on the poster, we also wrote the content beside the poster. We tried our best to convince the people.

We all decided to do our best and use various strategies to convince people to donate. Here’s our approach:

  1. Explain the Purpose: Start by explaining the purpose and importance of the fundraising effort. Clearly articulate why this cause matters and how it impacts the community.
  2. Direct Donations: Inform donors that all funds will be transferred directly to Edhi accounts. Emphasize that we are merely facilitating the fundraising, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  3. Build Trust: To gain the donors’ trust, provide them with the permit obtained from Amal Academy. This permit confirms the collaboration between the academy and the Edhi Foundation, reassuring donors about the legitimacy of the campaign.


Every noble cause has some challenges and we got some too.

Some people don't repy on my message. But I reminded them again. Another challange was time management.

Overcoming Failure:

Life is all about learning. Some even say that failure is your best friend. Through this activity, not only did we raise funds, but the rejection and hesitation from people gave us lessons that we might have yet to get through other means. This is what Sadaf said about overcoming failure:

We thought this activity would tell us more about failure and rejection, so we’re ready for it. We actually learned a great deal out of it that will definitely be reflected in our current and future work.

In a Nutshell:

We along with all members of group 6, collected about 60000 in total. I can proudly say that it is a lifetime experience for all of us. It helps me to develop problem-solving skills.

Amal Fellowship PW

