Noor Medical (re)enters the classroom


Two of the Noor Medical team members participated in the Master of Environmental Governance (MEG) module “Leadership & Social Entrepreneurship” last year. Now the Noor Medical team gave a workshop for the new generation of MEGies telling them about their experience building a startup.

The co-founders presented the story of their startup, including the steps they took taking it from just an idea to the 7 person team it is today. Topics include the considerations graduate students must account for when deciding to build a company, team dynamics and specific challenges related to the healthcare field in rural areas.

As part of the class, Noor Medical assisted students in organizing interviews with healthcare workers in a number of different SSA countries. Additionally, survey data was provided for 11 rural medical clinics in these regions so that students could gain experience defining customer profiles and conducting market analysis. Pertinent information about these clinics include the medical instrument sterilization methods and the status of their electricity connection.

After many months outside of the classroom it was a nice change of pace for the Noor Medical team. Working with the students provided an insightful exercise in the value of outside opinion. For the students, feedback was quite positive given the opportunity for a real-life business case headed by former students within their program.

The Co-Founders of Noor Medical (re)enter the classroom and give a workshop in the “Social Entrepreneurship & Leadership Module” [Photo by Saji Zagha]

One key take away was the great opportunity that the MEG program provides in connecting across cultures and international networks. In the case of Andrew’s MEG generation, over 27 countries were represented by just 38 students.

“One of the biggest values you have in the MEG program is the fantastic array of backgrounds and contacts within your student network. Use this to your advantage when launching an international project” — Andrew, COO at Noor Medical

The eclectic mix of backgrounds provided a useful entrance to the Noor Medical team as they sought to connect with engineers, medical professionals, and contacts in various countries.

To learn more about the Master of Environmental Governance program at Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg visit

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