Tayyaba Ramzan
1 min readJul 2, 2020

Describe the ABC model of REBT. Also briefly describe the ABCDE model of treatment.

Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)—a form of CBT—uses the ABC model to explain the interaction between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors REBT originally called Rational therapy.

Soon changed to Rational Emotive therapy in the early 1990s changed Rational Emotive therapy. Individuals respond to an activating event with emotional and behavioral consequences.

The emotional and behavioral consequences are not only caused by the activating events but by the individual’s belief system.

Individual belief(B) often caused difficult emotioal and behavioral consequences(C)Individual problems and emotional, behavioral consequences not only for activating events but from their beliefs about such as events.

A major role of therapist is to dispute these irrational belief.

ABCDE model of treatment:

The ABCDE Model is a simple mnemonic developed by Albert Ellis in the field of rational-emotive behavior therapy

that helps people mentally work through a reflection process to consider if they want or need to change their thinking and therefore their behavior around some emotions.