Poetry for mental health

3 min readMay 10, 2024

Research by the University of Plymouth and Nottingham Trent University, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, found that many people who took to sharing, discussing and writing poetry as a means to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic experienced “demonstrable

positive impact on their wellbeing”.


It was carried out with registered users of the website poetryandcovid.com (now archived as poetryandcovidarchive.com), who used the website to share their own poetry and/or read other people’s.

Just over half (51%) of respondents indicated that reading and/or writing poetry had helped them deal with feelings of loneliness or isolation, and for a further 50% it had helped with feelings of anxiety and depression.

Loneliness and isolation are universal human experiences, often leaving individuals feeling adrift in a sea of emotions. However, amidst the turbulence, many have found solace and companionship in the world of poetry.

Navigating the Depths of Emotion

Poetry serves as a beacon of light, guiding individuals through the darkest of times. With its profound ability to articulate complex feelings in succinct and poignant verses, poetry becomes a companion in solitude.

The Healing Power of Words

Words woven into poetic tapestries have the power to mend broken spirits and soothe weary souls. Through the rhythmic cadence of verses, individuals find resonance with their innermost thoughts and emotions, forging a connection that transcends physical boundaries.

Embracing Connection Through Expression

In the realm of poetry, loneliness dissipates as one becomes part of a community bonded by shared experiences and emotions. Through the act of creation and expression, individuals bridge the gap between isolation and connection, finding comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone.

Transforming Pain into Beauty

Poetry transforms pain into beauty, weaving threads of sorrow into tapestries of resilience and hope. Through the act of writing or reading poetry, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering hidden truths and finding strength in vulnerability.

Building Bridges Through Verse

Through poetry, individuals transcend the limitations of language and culture, finding common ground in the universal language of emotion. Whether penned by a celebrated poet or scribbled in the margins of a notebook, each verse holds the power to resonate deeply within the hearts of its readers.

Exploring the Therapeutic Benefits of Poetry

In recent years, the therapeutic benefits of poetry have garnered increasing attention from psychologists and mental health professionals. Research has shown that engaging with poetry can have profound effects on emotional well-being, offering individuals a creative outlet for processing their thoughts and feelings.

Unlocking Emotional Expression

Poetry provides a safe space for individuals to explore and express their emotions freely. Through the act of writing or reading poetry, individuals can delve into the depths of their psyche, confronting difficult emotions and experiences with honesty and authenticity.

Fostering Mindfulness and Presence

Engaging with poetry requires a deep level of attention and focus, encouraging individuals to be fully present in the moment. Whether through the rhythmic flow of verses or the vivid imagery evoked by language, poetry invites readers to immerse themselves in the beauty of language and the richness of human experience.

Poetry encourages self-reflection, prompting individuals to examine their thoughts, beliefs, and values with clarity and insight. By articulating their innermost thoughts and feelings through poetry, individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

Cultivating Resilience and Coping Skills

Through the process of writing poetry, individuals develop resilience and coping skills that can help them navigate life’s challenges more effectively. By transforming their experiences into art, individuals are able to reclaim agency over their narrative and find meaning and purpose in their struggles.

Creating Connections and Community

Poetry has the power to forge connections and foster a sense of community among individuals. Whether through poetry readings, workshops, or online forums, poetry brings people together, providing a platform for sharing stories, experiences, and perspectives.

Embracing Poetry as a Tool for Healing

In an increasingly fast-paced and disconnected world, poetry offers a refuge for the soul, a sanctuary where individuals can find solace, connection, and meaning amidst the chaos. By embracing poetry as a tool for healing and self-expression, individuals can tap into the transformative power of language and unlock new pathways to growth and self-discovery. So, let us embrace the therapeutic benefits of poetry and embark on a journey of healing, one verse at a time.




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