Arjun Pawar
3 min readSep 14, 2023

The EXACT SCIENCE behind Astrology nobody tells you about

His work was so dangerous that Joseph Stalin had him arrested.

Alexander Chizhevsky(1897–1964) was a Soviet-era scientist, the father of Heliobiology (Effect of Sun on Biology)

When Alexander was fighting in World War 1, he made an observation. After the World War 1 ended, he began exploring these observations in a scientific manner, which later got him his fame (and jail-time)

But what did he discover?

He studied the Sun’s magnetism and its effect on humans. His research showed that humans were more prone to war during certain periods, characterized by the strength of the Sun’s solar flares and geomagnetic storms.

He published ‘Physical Factors of the Historical Process’ in 1924, where he drew clear correlations between the Sun’s magnetic storm and Russian uprisings. This work greatly accelerated his fame, until Joseph Stalin asked him to remove his work in 1942. Stalin did not approve of ‘hocus pocus’ and had Alexander arrested for not budging. He remained under arrest until 1950, when he finally agreed to not pursue this topic further.

Fast forward 100 years, turns out he’s RIGHT.

The Sun, Earth, and other planets all exert magnetic fields. Our biological system is bathed in a wide range of frequencies — virtually affecting every cell and circuit in biological systems.

Interaction between Sun and Earth’s magnetic fields

Human brain waves and heart rate variability are affected by these magnetic fields — influencing human psychology and collective behaviors. Weak and moderate geomagnetic storms strongly influence the brain’s bioelectrical activity.

Severe disturbances of geomagnetic conditions cause negative influence, seriously disintegrate brain’s functionality, activate braking processes and amplify the emotional background of an individual. Scientists concluded that emotional and vegetative spheres of human beings are affected, without adversely impacting personality properties.

Some papers are linked underneath, but you can research more by typing ‘Heliobiology’ or ‘Effect of Magnetic Fields on Humans’

If the Sun’s magnetic field affects us; shouldn’t planetary magnetic fields affect us too?

The Effects of Solar Activity and Geomagnetic Disturbance on Human Health (

Annual incidence of mortality related to hypertensive disease in Canada and associations with heliophysical parameters — PubMed (