Herbal aphrodisiacs to boost a flagging libido

Norelle Hentschel
5 min readFeb 14, 2020
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Who they can help and who they won’t

Once upon a time when I was a freshly minted Naturopath, I had my clinic in a health food store. One day a young man knocked tentatively at my door and requested a word in private. “Do you sell herbal aphrodisiacs? I’ve heard there’s this Horny Goat Weed stuff that’s like natural Viagra.” I looked into my potion cupboard….

Just kidding. This guy appeared to be fit and healthy, so I started to ask him if he was having any problems getting and maintaining an erection. He got pretty embarrassed and said no, but he had a new girlfriend and just wanted to “impress” her.

What is a herbal aphrodisiac?

Pretty much ever since time immemorial we’ve been seeking ways to enhance our performance in the bedroom. Most herbal traditions have a class of botanical medicines referred to as aphrodisiacs — plants that can increase sexual potency or desire.

There are many myths and misconceptions around herbal medicine and libido. There are no legally available herbs in Australia that will turn on the tap of instant sexual desire al la Viagra. Many so-called “natural” products found on the internet that claim this are often laced with Viagra — hence the effects. In many cases, you’re buying a remarketed…



Norelle Hentschel

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