Part 11 of the “5% to Ukraine” opinion piece

What you can do to change the future of Ukraine

You have the power, use it

Norges samvittighet
5 min readAug 9, 2024
Will you be the hero Ukraine needs? Photo by Johannes Andersson (who has in no way endorsed this opinion piece, but who has taken a very Norwegian picture) on Unsplash

Part of the 5% to Ukraine opinion piece. The original Norwegian text was written to implore the people of Norway to invest 5% of our sovereign wealth fund in a Ukrainian victory and the future of Europe. It has been translated into English for a wider audience, who can also take several of the actions listed below.

What you do after reading this opinion piece will determine the future of Ukraine, Europe, and Norway.

Below are some suggestions, but don’t feel limited by them. Consider your unique situation and the opportunities you have to influence the decision to give 5% of the Sovereign Wealth Fund’s value to Ukraine.

Share and Discuss

If you agree with this opinion piece, the most important thing you can do is to spread it and discuss it.

Talk about giving 5% with your friends and family. Discuss with them what it means to be Norwegian, and the future you want to create for our next generation.

Flood social media. Drop a link into you family chat and ask them to read it. Write your own opinions on the topic. Make picture. Make videos. Take what you feel are most important statements in this piece and share them.

If you disagree, or find anything in this opinion piece to be incorrect, share that too! Democracies are based on knowledge and truths. This is precisely what makes us better than authoritarian states.

Just remember one thing — be positive and unifying. Do not speak disparagingly about Russians, do not resort to violence, and do not spread hate. Instead, lift Ukraine up as Europe’s defender of democratic values.

Contact Politicians

Write in your own words how you feel about this issue and send it to the politicians who represent you. Demand, respectfully, that we hold a referendum.

You can find the email addresses of all members of parliament here.

You can find contact information for most ministers in the government here.

You can also use the government’s contact form.

Show Support

Show your support for Ukraine by actively using symbols in the time leading up to a referendum.

Get a sticker with a Ukrainian flag for your backpack. Draw Ukrainian flags and hang them in your windows. Wear blue and yellow clothes, bracelets, hats, and ties. If you have long hair, maybe you can try a Ukrainian braid?

Maybe you can organize an event in support of Ukraine at your school, workplace, sports team, band, game or religious group.

Use your imagination and spread this on social media.

March in the streets

Show the world the result of all the practice we’ve had celebrating democracy on May 17th!

Show your support for Ukraine by marching through the streets of your home town every 17th day of the month, until we have a referendum. Wear your bunad, make posters, wave Ukrainian flags, and support Ukraine’s fight for democracy. Stand in front of your local town hall, chant slogans and sing to encourage your fellow Norwegians to help Ukraine.

To all the bands out there — learn the Ukrainian national anthem!

Note: If local municipalities organize where the march should go, do also show how Norwegians follow rules and guidelines.


If there is a referendum, use your vote! Don’t ignore the opportunity you have to influence the future of Ukraine, Norway, and Europe.

For those under 18

If you are under 18, you cannot vote, but you can still influence a referendum.

Don’t forget that you are the future of Norway — and this gives you a unique ability to influence those around you. Use this power to persuade older generations of the importance of Ukraine’s victory in the war.

Put the training of your social media muscles to use, and spread the message of this opinion piece in ways no one would have thought possible. Smash the algorithms with your creativity, drive, and your great Norwegian humor. Also, try actively posting on the platforms used by those older than you — think Facebook and Instagram instead of TikTok.

Make plans with your friends for how you can make this message impossible to ignore. Ask if you can all eat by the dinner table and use this opportunity to talk with your family. Drag them along to events. Call that aunt you haven’t spoken to in a while.

As mentioned earlier, remember to be positive and unifying. Do not speak disparagingly about Russians, avoid violence, and do not spread hate. Lift instead Ukraine up, so that your generation of Ukrainians can have a future.

Be the courage Norway needs. Show the older generation that you are not afraid, but that you trust them to make the right decision for your future.

Persuade Norway to give 5% to Ukraine.


Take a moment to consider this moment in world history. It’s not often in the life of a politician that they face a choice that will echo through the ages. Helping Ukraine win the war, is such a choice.

We ask you, Norway’s politicians, to be the leaders we have chosen you to be. Lead us. Inspire us. Give us courage. Make us proud to be part of Norway’s political system.

We ask you to be the role models the West needs in a world where democracy is under attack from all sides. Let Norway’s resolve show the world the strength that exists in democracies.

We ask you not to let this become a political game that will give Russia time to carry out their scare tactics against us. Let our hope unite you. Let our support make you swift and decisive.

We ask you to help us write a new chapter in the history of the Norwegian people. A chapter we can look back upon with pride. Help us define Norway for the future. Help us do what is right.

Help us give 5% to Ukraine.

