How about “Daily kerning”.

Noriyuki Shimizu
3 min readMar 2, 2018


I’m kerning everyday.

What’s of the “kerning” ?

In typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter forms, while tracking (letter-spacing) adjusts spacing uniformly over a range of characters.

Because, I have always wanted to try kerning.

  • For typography training
  • For aesthetic sense training
  • For self-promotion
  • For self-branding
  • and more…

I had playing VJ a few (maybe ten) years ago. I found beeple (Mike Winkelmann) when I had looking for VJ clip/samples.

He is very very nice(incredible) creator! Quality, quantity and his “EVERYDAYS” projects are awesome…! I respect him.

That’s why, I’m started kerning training in 2nd October 2017.

So in a practices, I kerning words that “minimal”.
“minimal” is a very simple. but it includes space, counter, shoulder, serif. In the situation, I used Helvetica.

This concept is “minimal” as a genre of Minimal. (e.g. minimal techno, routine, pattern, phrase, sequencer.)

  1. To make a space in Cyan “minimal”.
  2. I gaze at magenta “minimal” at in ten seconds.
  3. I trying cyan “minimal” kerning in less than 3min.
  4. Cyan “minimal” layered on magenta “minimal”.

Magenta and cyan are warm and cool color, it needs visual adjustment. but I didn’t visual adjustment them. It’s so difficult.

Magenta “minimal” is sample, I had make that in the optical kerning and manual kerning but it has subtle shifted, in between [i m], [a l]. This issue is my skill not enough to make a typography. 😔
If anyone make a “minimal”, i want it. 😄

I tried it for 150 days…

  • It has become a habit. 👍
  • I received a job offer. 👌
  • Keep on kerning in everyday. 365 days. 🙏
  • I would make 365 layers video. 😄
  • I wanna try kerning serif typeface. 🤔
  • and I started drawing. 🖋

I want you to tell me if there is any recommendation!

