Things to know before starting a coding bootcamp

Hoon Kim
2 min readJul 5, 2022


Photo by Mars Sector-6 on Unsplash

A few things that anyone should do before starting a coding bootcamp are:

  • learn fundamental Javascript
  • learn fundamental HTML
  • learn fundamental CSS
  • get used to coding everyday


Learn what data is. Learn the difference between number, String, boolean, etc. What are the different primitive data types.

Learn what is a variable. Know the difference between const and let (also var). What are variables used for?

Learn the difference between an expression and a statement.

Know the difference between primitives and Objects. Understand the difference between pass by value and pass by reference.

Learn how to use loops (for, while, for of, for in, etc.). What is iterating use for and what can be iterated through.

Learn and use functions. Learn and use function declaration. Learn and use function expressions. When can you use arrow functions? What is a callback function?


HTML is HyperText Markup Language. It is the content that you see on web applications. They are the structure of the web page that you see all of the time.

Learn what a tag is. Learn what an element is. Use them to create a simple web page using a simple text editor. Do not use something like Word which is a rich text editor. Use a basic text editor like Notepad or TextEdit. Just save the file as an .html file and open it up in your browser.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS are the aesthetics or the look of a web page. It is the color of the page, the font style, it is the border, is the spacing around the elements of a web page, etc.

Know what a selector, declaration, property and values are. Use them to style anything and everything on a web page.

Get used to coding everyday

Code everyday. Code for 5 minutes a day. Code for an hour a day. Just get into the habit of coding everyday. Pretty soon you will notice that you have been coding for 3 three straight hours but it felt like 15 minutes.

Software development is a learned skill. Computer science encompasses the principles and theories that are put to practice in software development. I think that learning how to write software is like learning how to play a musical instrument. You have to practice everyday to become proficient for both.

The code that you will write professionally will look a lot different than beginning Javascript, HTML and CSS but this is your foundation. Think of them as learning your ABCs before you can write your novel.

