Three LEGIT Earning Applications

Fatimah Hezza
4 min readAug 5, 2022


These three mobile applications that I am going to introduce are truly LEGIT paying applications and will not give you false hopes.

Photo by the Author

Some applications are only good at the beginning, but after sometime it suddenly stops paying. NOT THESE APPS, for sure.

These mobiles applications are FREE and are available on Google Play store.

I will not beat you around the bush and get down to it.

1. JAG Rewards

This is an application that lets you earn by completing activities like sharing advertisements. Every time you share ads you earn reward points called “JAG points.” These points can be converted into cash and redeemed through your mobile wallet app or can be transferred directly into your bank account. You may also convert your points into “vouchers” and use them in purchasing items from online shops or paying for Grab, Fast-food chains like McDonalds and even for grocery items of their partner grocery stores or supermarkets.

The only downside of this application is that there are days you do not get a lot of activities. Sometimes, it may take a while to earn JAG points.

But hey! You got nothing to lose anyways, and it’s a free app. So not bad at all to earn some extra buck while passing the time.


This is another interesting earning mobile application where you earn cash by just reading news. In addition to reading articles, you may also get paid by doing offers and tasks.

Cool, right?!

You can sign-up using your Google or Facebook account. However, this application is only available in nine (9) countries. These countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Vietnam.

In this application you will immediately earn 8000 points upon sign-up. Once you are in the app, what you will do is to choose articles. These articles or news are in different categories or topics such as; Fun, Health, Food, Lifestyle, Auto and Sports topics. All you need to do is choose the article you want to read and then scroll down. Now, in the bottom left side you will see the number of coins you will receive and it has a “timer.” The timer is important, because you need to finish the time in order for you to receive the coins.

You need to remember that this application will know if you are really reading the article. Therefore, you need to keep scrolling and finish the article in the specified time. If you think you can stop and leave your phone to wait the time, no you cannot because the timer will also stop and you will not get any coins.

This app is not for the cheaters. But, good thing we are not cheaters.

What is good about this app is being paid while reading news. I mean, we watch news on TV and read newspapers right?! And we are not paid for it. So, how cool is it to get paid reading the news that we do anyways. And on top of that, you get a lot of information and updated with the latest. Not bad at all.

You can convert your collected coins into cash and redeem it or cash-out through your mobile wallet app.


This third application is a legendary application because it has been around for a long time and is still paying LEGIT cash to its users.

This application is quite similar to CASHZINE because you also earn by reading news. Aside from reading news, you may also earn points by watching MEMES and funny videos. Literally funny and entertaining videos.

Like CASHZINE, you also choose the article you want to read. Once you have chosen an article to read or the video to watch, you will see on the right side a “yellow button” or “yellow gift.” What you will do is to click on the button or gift, and every 30 seconds you will earn points. Is that not amazing?!

Your points can be converted into cash and like the 2 other apps, you can also cash-out or redeem through your mobile wallet app.

All these applications are truly LEGIT and paying. The payment method and cashing-out is very easy and quick. The longest time to cash-out is 24 hours.

Go ahead and give them a try. But, DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH. Do not expect these applications to pay a lot, but it may come in handy if you need that extra cash. Say, you want to have a cup of coffee or grab a bite at McDonalds, reload your phone or pay for your Grab car. Who knows, it may even earn you more than what you expect, if you give it time.

I leave them up to you to explore and enjoy these apps. I would love to hear from you and your experience.

Hope this helps. Cheers!

Fore more LEGIT paying APPS… You might want to read and try these apps too. I am using these apps myself.



Fatimah Hezza

Teacher, foodie, & music lover. Editor of Fashion Glitter Magazine on Amazon. And I have a contagious disease called “lucky” so, follow me!