Learn how to build your first Blazor WebAssembly app in .Net Core 3.0

christoffer noring
1 min readDec 10, 2019


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First time I heard the name I thought this sounds like a Blaze of fire. That’s quite the association. Blazor is Microsoft’s new answer to using the .Net platform and C# language everywhere, on frontend as well as backend. Let’s find out how and how you build apps with it in this article.

In this article, we will cover:

  • Why Blazor, is this another Silverlight plugin or something else, something better? Let’s find out
  • What, Let’s talk about what Blazor is and how different Hosting Models allows you to host Blazor on frontend and backend. This comes with different pros and cons so let’s talk about those. The choice is ultimately yours
  • Demo, together we will build a Blazor demo that shows how to work with routing, components, and HTTP

This article has been moved to https://softchris.github.io/pages/dotnet-blazor.html

