By the way.. (Kubernetes for FreeBSD)

Tony Norlin
May 15, 2022


In order to extend the audience a bit for the planned 3rd part of Build a managed Kubernetes cluster from scratch, where I intend to connect the Control Plane with by using the extremely flexible Cilium CNI — I created a FreeBSD port of the components required.

Fetch the code (or binaries) at my GitHub repository.

kubectl version -oyaml
buildDate: "2022-05-15T18:27:20Z"
compiler: gc
gitCommit: 92e3c05ee40cd6844515f2ee8fe327e3bcc97f56
gitTreeState: clean
gitVersion: v1.24.0-alpha.1.2411+92e3c05ee40cd6
goVersion: go1.18.1
major: "1"
minor: 24+
platform: freebsd/amd64
kustomizeVersion: v4.5.4



Tony Norlin

Homelab tinkerer. ❤ OpenSource. illumos, Linux, kubernetes, networking and security. Recently eBPF. Connect with me: