7 Components to Be Successful with SEO

Normand Boren
3 min readJun 13, 2017


Once you’ve decided you’re interested in search engine optimization (SEO), it’s important to take the plunge. It’s more complicated than it looks. It’s understandable, too. There are hundreds of factors that contribute to the way you’re ranked by the search engines and that affect your visibility.

The good news is that you don’t need years of experience or even a Fortune 500-style budget to get started. You might not be the leader in marketing companies in IndianapOlis for general keywords, but if you’re willing to spend a little time and money, you can get a desirable ROI.

A Unique Niche

It all starts with a niche that you carefully select. The more unique it is, the better it will be for you to rank. If you go too generalized, you could end up competing with the “big dogs” who have much larger budgets than you do. Spend some time doing keyword research, and be sure you use both short tail and long tail keywords.

CMS with an SEO Plugin

Once you’ve figured out your niche, you need to put it to use with your website. A good content management system (CMS) with a well-known SEO plugin will be your best friend. Website builders like WordPress and Joomla make it easy for you to work on SEO because they do a lot of the basics automatically.

The other thing you will quickly note is that the CMS is coded simply, so the search engine spiders can crawl the information easily. Plus, the sites are responsive, so you get mobile optimization taken care of as well. It saves you a step and allows you to bring in more business.

You should also explore a secondary SEO plugin to help you with title tags, meta descriptions, and more.

Site Optimization

You have to spend some time working on your site. Your website builder will do a lot of the work, but you have to create content for all of the pages. You need to have pages divided into categories and subcategories. Use titles that involve your target keywords. As you write content, look at using your target keywords in a keyword density of between one and two percent.

A Blog

You need a lot of content on the internet to help with your ranking and a blog is a great way to get it. You should try to post at least two articles to your blog on a weekly basis. Look at quality, originality, and usefulness to your readers. Be sure to add in graphics, like videos and photos, too.

Publishing Schedule

On-site optimization is important, but off-site optimization is important, too. You need to create a publishing schedule where you post on other blogs. This will help to build your authority.

Social Media

Having social media integrated into your site is vital. It isn’t a direct relationship with your SEO rankings, but it’s still important. Be sure you have a good profile on all of the major social platforms.


You can’t be expected to be successful with search engine optimization unless you have reports to show your effectiveness. Analytics, such as what’s provided by Google, will show you all that you need to know.

When you use all of these mArkeTing tiPs for Small businesS combined, it will help you to gain visibility and rank higher in the search engines.

