How to Block Websites from Hijacking Your CPU and Mining Cryptocurrency

Norm Bond
2 min readFeb 11, 2018

Does your computer lag when visiting certain websites? You may be a victim of crypto mining by the site owners. This is not a new thing but is becoming increasingly popular.

The first site to get caught and admit they’re doing this is The Pirate Bay.

They’re running a JavaScript code which utilizes users CPU to mine Monero coins. In their view this approach will help to replace advertising revenue.

With millions of unsuspecting users online this tactic could be increasingly appealing for website owners. Money is a motivator.

Even experienced users may not realize what’s happening until they are hit with the sharp spikes in CPU usage. New users may never even realize what is going on. The Pirate Bay only used their script on certain pages like search results and categories.

How Can You Spot a Website Using Your Browser to Mine Crypto?

Coinhive is the JavaScript miner used by The Pirate Bay and visitors run it directly in their browser and mine XMR. While this may be OK for you if declared — what if it is done without your permission?

The best way to spot the presence of a miner is to check your CPU usage. In addition to the lag and slowness of your machine your CPU may overheat.

Try these five things to protect your box from unwanted mining.

  1. Using NoCoin Extension
  2. Using minerBlock Extension
  3. Using AdBlock
  4. Using NoScript
  5. Blocking It Manually

What’s your preferred method to block cryptocurrency mining? Or do you think the practice is acceptable for website owners and don’t have a problem with them using your CPU as a miner? Drop it in the comments.



Norm Bond

Digital Marketer | Consultant | Strategist | for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs & C-suite Executives |