Normotim: How To Break Your Sugar Addiction with Lithium Ascorbate

NORMOTIM | Lithium Ascorbate
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Overeating sugar, like other addictive habits, happens when our bodies release feel-good chemicals called endorphins in response to getting glucose. These chemicals create a pleasurable feeling, making us crave more and more sweetness. Overcoming it isn’t just about willpower; it requires addressing both the physical and mental aspects of the problem.

Sugar is a controversial substance, offering energy but also causing harm. While it’s essential for our bodies to function, we need very little — around 25 grams for women and 30 grams for men each day. Unfortunately, in today’s diets, especially in developed countries, people consume an average of at least 130 grams daily — much more than recommended.

One of our top professionals Dr. Olga Orlova warns that this excessive sugar intake, beyond leading to obesity, is linked to serious diseases like strokes, heart disease, cancers, and diabetes — the leading causes of death in developed countries

Our specialists also highlight top four reasons to quit overconsuming sugar right now (or at least lower it as much as possible):

  • Less sugar means more stable energy throughout the day, avoiding the highs and crashes.
  • A non-sweet lifestyle supports better cognitive function, aiding clearer thinking and focus.
  • Reducing glucose is vital for maintaining a healthy weight, lowering the risk of obesity and related health issues.
  • Limiting sugar intake contributes to stable blood condition, fostering a more balanced and positive mood, and decreased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

A modern and natural solution?

Normotim’s lithium ascorbate brings together lithium, known for its mood-stabilizing properties, and ascorbic acid, celebrated for its antioxidative benefits. Originally recognized for aiding mental health and supporting sugar detoxing.

  1. It interacts with neural pathways, curbing the release of endorphins and disrupting the addictive cycle by reshaping responses to sugar.
  2. Going beyond endorphin reduction, Normotim lithium ascorbate offers a strategic tool for rewiring neural circuits associated with glucose-related rewards. This contributes to breaking established patterns that drive the desire to eat more sweets.
  3. As a result, it leads to easing psychological dependence, marking its potential as a valuable component in solving the problem.

Normotim facilitates a holistic approach to overcoming sugar addiction, going beyond the cessation of a habit. It’s about cultivating a life marked by increased energy, mental clarity, and happiness. By reducing stress, stabilizing mood, and supporting overall brain health, Normotim stands as a comprehensive solution for those on the journey to recovery and overall wellness.

If you’re determined to be free from this sweet but bad practice, consider trying Normotim. It contains a unique dose of lithium ascorbate designed to aid in controlling sugar addiction while also enhancing mood and emotional stability.

To learn more about Normotim lithium ascorbate, visit our website.

Patent Verification

The pioneering formulation of Normotim is protected under patent no. US 10,456,373 B2, titled “AGENT EXHIBITING ANTI-STRESS, ANXIOLYTIC AND ANTI-DEPRESSION ACTIVITY, AND COMPOSITION BASED THEREON’’ and another supplementary patent, US 11,219,641 B2, named “USE OF LITHIUM ASCORBATE TO PREVENT AND TREAT ALCOHOLISM AND ALCOHOL INTOXICATION”.



NORMOTIM | Lithium Ascorbate

BRAIN & COGNITIVE EFFICACY | Everything you need to know about Lithium Ascorbate for your health