Car Window Tinting Laws: What You Need to Know
If you are new in the city and want to get car window tinting in Melbourne, then it is essential to know the legal aspect of that. It is because in Australia window tint is legal to use up to a certain level of darkness.
If unknowingly or deliberately you violate the norms, then it might become a big trouble. Do you want to know about the details of the window tinting laws in the country?
Well, there are many websites that can give you the details. You can also ask some specialists or experts also.
This blog is an attempt to tell you briefly about the laws of car tint in Melbourne.
Typically, darkness is measured by a parameter called VLT or Visible Light Transmission. It is the percentage of light coming through the window.
So, if a window has 35 percent VLT, then it means it allows only 35 percent light to pass and blocks the rest 65 percent.
Mostly, all territories have similar laws, but there might be a slight variation.
ACLT or Australian Capital Territory Tint Laws
According to the law, in a windshield, no tint is allowedexcept for the uppermost 10% of the windshield.
As far as the front and back side windows are concerned, they can have more than 35 percent and 20 percent VLT respectively.
Similarly, the rear side glass can have more than 20 percent VLT.
As far as the laws of car tinting in Melbourne are concerned, we need to go through the laws of Victoria state. It is because Melbourne comes under that state.
There, you can have the uppermost 10% or 65mm of the windshield tinted.
For Front side windows, you should have more than 35% VLT. The same is true for the rear window.
As far as backside windows are concerned, then they must have more than 20% VLT.
Different Australian states have different laws. However, they are fundamentally similar. So, it is very important to read the rules first.
Not only that, you should know about the types of vehicles also.
In Australia, a vehicle below 3.5 tonnes is called a Light Goods Vehicle. A vehicle between 3.5 to 12 tonnes is called a Medium Goods Vehicle. Any vehicle over 12 tonnes will fall in the category of Heavy goods vehicle.
Thus, it is complicated to know about car tinting in Melbourne, but you can make it easy by asking a specialist.