Jayden Ryan
2 min readMay 31, 2016

To Remove Norton GoBack from Your PC and Access the Hard Drive Call Norton Antivirus Support

Norton GoBack from Norton is a disk utility for Windows that can record up to 8 GB of disk alterations.Call 1–800–589–0948 When the filesy stem remain idle for some time, Norton GoBack marks these as safe points. GoBack functions by replacing the Master Boot Record and partition table with a single partition. So when the Operating System is unable to boot, GoBack allows the hard drive to be changed back while also securing the file system from changes in order to keep the revert information correct. However this could prevent the user from accessing the hard drive. Read further to learn an easy way to remove Norton GoBack from your PC, so that you can access the hard drive. Alternatively you can also take help of our experienced Norton Antvirus Technical Support team on this regard.

- You will need to use a utility to remove GoBack so that Windows can recognize the hard drive. Go to this link, http://service1.symantec.com/support/gobac…nam&seg=ag and download the file.

- Get a copy of Nero or PowerISO and burn this file to a CD or DVD as an ISO file.

- Insert the CD or DVD into the disk drive and reboot the system. Continually press the F12 button so that the boot selection pops up. For some HP/Compaq models, you can open the boot selection by pressing ESC.

- In the following menu, select the first option which will say, “Unhook Norton GoBack from MBR”.

- In case you get another prompt asking to unhook GoBack from the MBR, choose “Yes”. The uninstallation process may take up a while, so remain patient till it is finished.

- When the uninstallation process is done, you will be asked if you want to “Repair the MBR”. It is important that you do this.

- This way your hard drive will be unhooked from the clutches of Norton GoBack and you will be able to access your hard drive and Windows will recognize it.

Hopefully, this article helped you immensely in getting rid of Norton GoBack. If you need any expert guidance in this regard, feel free to contact our experts of Norton Support. Call Toll Free Number:1–800–589–0948