Data Warehousing: The Pantry of the Automotive Industry

Ivandros Awom
2 min readJan 28, 2023


Photo by Luisa Brimble on Unsplash

Welcome to the world of data warehousing in the automotive industry!

Imagine a car factory as a kitchen. Just like a kitchen needs different types of ingredients to make a delicious meal, a car factory needs different types of data to produce a high-quality vehicle. This is where data warehousing comes in.

A data warehouse is like a pantry in the kitchen. It stores all the different types of data that the factory (or kitchen) needs to function properly. This includes information about suppliers, inventory, production processes, and even customer feedback.

Just like a chef needs to know what ingredients are available in the pantry to plan a menu, factory managers need to know what data is available in the data warehouse to make informed decisions about production.

Data warehousing is an essential part of the automotive industry and it is crucial for companies to have a good understanding of their data to make better decisions and improve their business process. With data warehousing in place, we can ensure our cars drive smoothly and our customers are happy with their purchase.

In summary, data warehousing is like a pantry in the car factory kitchen, where we store all the ingredients we need to produce high-quality vehicles that our customers will love. With data warehousing, we can make sure our cars are running smoothly and our customers are satisfied.



Ivandros Awom

I am a data scientist with a MS in Data Science and MBA, skilled in machine learning and cloud services, and experienced in retail and finance.