Notion Extensions — How to take notes with Evergreen Notes?

Josecarlos Escobar
3 min readApr 4, 2022

Whether you use Notion for work, studies, projects or personal life, you will know that sometimes it is necessary to take notes, make comments or keep an index of all the content of your extensive page.

And, yes, many of these actions can be done directly from Notion, but there are some other tools that help you to have a better experience and order, besides enhancing much more what Notion already offers by default.

This is the case of Evergreen Notes, an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to:

  1. View your backlinks and save external links without affecting your homepage.
Source: Evergreen Notes
Source: Evergreen Notes

2. Sort your page in an index based on Notion’s Markdown language.

Source: Evergreen Notes
Source: Evergreen Notes

3. Differentiate your page content based on segments and content.

Source: Evergreen Notes
Source: Evergreen Notes

4. Perform faster searches among the content of your page.

Source: Evergreen Notes
Source: Evergreen Notes

And the list of features goes on and grows with each update.

Do I recommend this extension for any Notion user?

The answer is NO. Certainly, I think Notion’s native features are more than enough for the “common” user who is just looking to make quick notes or keep the week’s shopping list.

On the other hand, this tool is VERY GOOD if you use Notion to take notes for your courses, have a virtual office where you collaborate with your entire team or do projects with pages full of information.

Evergreen Notes will help you manage that content better, and access it in a much more dynamic way, and best of all, it’s 100% free!

Learn more about Evergreen Notes features from its official page at Notion, or download the extension to Google Chrome from here.

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Josecarlos Escobar

I’m not CEO in many things, but who is born being one? | #NoCode #Podcast #NFT #Marketing #Project Management | Find me as @NoSoyCEO anywhere