

Blackboards (slate).

Greenboards (porcelain enamel on steel)

Schooldays memories.

Negatives and Positives of using a Chalkboard.


1. chalk dust on clothes (Teachers: Don’t wear black to work!)
2. chalk dust in the dust tray
3. the chalk sticks break while you’re writing leaving 57 small unusable pieces of chalk in the dust tray
4. cleaning the dusty erasers by pounding them together or against the walls
5. you can’t get the chalk wet
6. you can’t get the erasers wet


1. that unforgettable, incomparable clickity-clackity sound of the chalk against the board
2. different color chalk (light blue, pink, yellow, and white)
3. no one has ever died from using a chalkboard

We will miss you.

(Whiteboard markers dry out too quickly.)

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The Nostalgia Professor

Remembering what has Come and Gone and what is longer with us. Here yesterday, gone today. The Nostalgia Professor is Hans Theodore Schmidt, MA.