You owe it to yourself and your Creator to be an Outstandingly Successful Person

Tim Nostrand
In Formation Holdings
2 min readFeb 23, 2018

You were put on this Earth. You did nothing to be alive. You were given everything you have; your weaknesses, your strengths, your abilities and disabilities. It all came before you had a choice. Before you could take action.

Now you have the ability to act.

And yet so many of us fail to appreciate the miracle of life. We take our skills for granted, even though so many of the traits that make us outstanding have been there our whole lives because we were born with them. (This is not to say we are not in the Driver’s Seat of our Skill Machine — more on that in another post).

I’m not getting on my high-horse to bring you to the Zone of Guilt. This is me enlightening you so that you can feel motivated to use your strengths. Use the superpowers you were given. And succeed.

You were brought into this world with the blessing, power and majesty of the Universe. Were you put on this world to be unproductive? To be uncreative? To be unfinancial? That’s ludicrous.

Waste Not Thy Skills.

Life is a game. Your goal is to learn yourself in and out, to identify your major strengths and weaknesses, and use them to your advantage for maximal success.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that it’s humble to ignore your strengths — it’s foolish. It is your responsibility to be the best that you can be with the strengths you were given.

You have a magnificent mind. You have the ability to choose which path to take. Choose success.

Leave me a note. Let’s keep the conversation going.

