5 Times women being good at sports meant they were men

Gemma Stone
4 min readMay 6, 2019

Since the TERFs are all giddy with excitement about Caster Semenya, a woman, running real fast because of how her natural body works I figured this would be an interesting topic to research. And I was absolutely spoiled for choice, so if this article is popular I do not mind making a sequel or two. Honestly, the misogyny directed towards women who are good at sports is seemingly unending.

So here’s a quick list of 5 times women who were good at sports were called men, or otherwise accused of having high testosterone for being good at sports. And challenge mode, I’ll do it without even mentioning Serena and Venus Williams, who are the obvious choice for sports women who have received this kind of bullshit in the media and general society.

Brittney Griner — Basketball player

She tall, she good with ball. So lets call her a man! Or just almost as bad, claim she ‘plays like a man’ because she’s good at sports. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen a lot of men play sports, very few of them were good. (Shout out to my dad coming to play with me and my friends when he was like 40 and falling over. ❤)

tldr though, don’t correlate man with good at sports, people who train and work hard at it are good at sports, and that’s pretty damn gender neutral.



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.