CD Projekt Red and The Dickgirl Controversy

Gemma Stone
5 min readOct 22, 2020

I’ve been desperately trying to avoid writing anything long form on this but the discourse in my feed is just so constant. Not least thanks to a white cis woman having decided to cosplay the controversial character and then dismiss criticism by invoking the struggles of women of colour as a defense. But I think there’s a few things that need to be said that the discourse is currently lacking, so here goes nothing I suppose. Don’t hate me.

I don’t think CD Projekt Red did anything transphobic here — in this particular instance, other crap from their discord etc not withstanding. I’m not just saying this because I’m hype for the game and hoping CDPR will see this and send me a free copy, thanks boys. I genuinely think that what they did was important, bold and ultimately good for transgender people, especially women.

A lot of the discourse surrounding said dick girl is the idea of fetishisation of trans bodies, which probably wasn’t helped by statements given by CDPR spokespersons on the matter re: “I think she’s sexy”. Which I don’t disagree, fetishising trans bodies while not working your damndest to ensure we have equal rights and aren’t treated like crap on a daily basis, is kinda bad. Trans bodies aren’t sex toys, we’re people and deserve human rights. CDPR haven’t been particularly outspoken or supportive of transgender equality, even…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.