Dear TERFs; you identify as women too!

Gemma Stone
3 min readMay 8, 2021

I know, I said we probably shouldn’t say TERFs because modern day transphobia has expanded well beyond the realms of weirdo academics awkwardly trying to justify their bigotry as ‘material reality’ in fairly obscure books and articles that the vast majority of people we call TERFs today haven’t read or don’t even know about BUT… SEO man, gotta catch ’em all.

A billboard in the UK reading the dictionary definition of woman: “woman, noun, adult human female”. This was part of an anti-trans rights campaign led by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull

I’ve had a crack at writing an article very similar to this one before already in which I explained how “I identify as” is no different to “I am”. However it seems it didn’t stick and people keep throwing around phrases like “people who identify as women” as a backhanded way of trying to say transgender women aren’t really women. This has even been done by those attempting to be inclusive too, which is just great. So today I’m having another go, lets see if this approach works instead; all women identify as women.

To identify as a woman doesn’t mean some sort of special ritual or process or something like that. It literally just means if someone asked what you are you would likely say “I am a woman”. In fact as an expert transgender woman myself I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have personally said “I identify as a woman” rather than just simply “I am a woman” as the latter is just the most common way of saying the same damn thing.



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.