JK Rowling receives pipe bomb threat

Gemma Stone
4 min readJul 20, 2021
JK Rowling at some event or something. I don’t know, honestly getting tired of saving her pics to my PC for these articles.

So recently I wrote, what I thought, to be a pretty emotive article about how trans men and non-binary people just want to be seen, included and feel like they have a chance for justice. This after JK Rowling got involved with a conversation about that in which the backlash to her transphobia was referenced. I thought “that’s it, done my part, no more Rowling for a bit”.

What a fool I was! As now it seems someone has sent Rowling a bomb threat, specifically a pipe bomb — which I only mention because A) search engine optimization spelled the american way to be SEO in and of itself and B) because it reminded me of the old Potter Puppet Pals Show and the scene where Ron, I believe? finds the mysterious source of the ticking noise. It’s a pipe bomb! Nostalgia as heck.

Anyway, there’s now suddenly like… this narrative spreading around that trans people need to condemn this immediately. You know, as if that wasn’t a given that we don’t want to see anyone get blown up any more than anyone else? It’s a pretty transphobic idea, and specifically one which transphobes rely heavily upon in their rhetoric, to frame transgender people as somehow more violent than cisgender people or cisgender women in particular.

We are just not. We’re scared, upset, angry, disappointed, isolated, alongside any transphobia we may have internalised along the…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.