John Money, trans people’s secret?

Gemma Stone
4 min readJul 18, 2019

No. Not even slightly.

But also if you want to read the full article you can do that too, just know that its going to be a bumpy ride including some discussion of child sexual abuses. So you know. Feel free to back out now if you’re not down for that.

John Money, child abuser

I absolute hate having to discuss this topic at all, but it comes up more frequently than you would imagine, given how easy it is to disprove. The first time I ran into this attempt of a smear of trans people was when Steven Crowder acted like the trans community had been keeping it a secret and he was busting the case wide open for the first time ever… even though it had been an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit about 10 years prior.

Recently I’ve had a few people use John Money’s existence as weight for their transphobic positions on things, most recently being either Professor Rectumwall or turbodingus — Ian Miles Cheong. Yes, I could have just said IMC and ignored the professor, but I really wanted to call him Rectumwall again in an article.

First and foremost I want to say to anyone reading this that there is absolutely no knoweldge or good information we can draw from this case, other than “don’t abuse kids for science you creeps”. The entire thing is an ethical nightmare, along with having a terribly narrow view and shoddy methodology for…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.