Julie Bindel is suing Pink News

Gemma Stone
4 min readMay 23, 2021
A photo of Julie Bindel with red tape over her mouth, to imply that she is being silenced. This photograph was posted alongside an article she wrote for The Sunday Times. Also, sidebar; the ‘tape over the mouth’ imagery is a classic trope of fascists who are arguing that consequences for being a dick head amounts to a lack of freedom of speech. Its such an unbelievably common thing so many different fascists have already done, perhaps Bindel should have looked that up first? Not a good look boo.

The Sunday Times’ Social Affairs Correspondent, Emily Dugan, ran with the story of Julie Bindel having filed papers in the High Court. The widely known known transphobe who has referred to trans people’s bodies as “mutilated” and regularly refers to a whole demographic of people as “the trans taliban” is apparently upset about something someone said.

The story isn’t particularly clear from the story in The Sunday Times, which I will not be linking to and cannot transcribe for you without beaching their copyright and potentially being sued myself. I’m not sure what to make of it, none of it seems to make any sense. The story claims that Pink News are being sued however the comments that they are being sued for are attributed to an activist who was interviewed by Pink News but isn’t officially affiliated with Pink at all.

The headline of the article which Bindel is suing over reads: The ‘gender critical’ feminist movement is a cult that grooms, controls and abuses, according to a lesbian who managed to escape”. It literally says “according to”. I’m by no means a legal expert but I think that if you want to sue someone for saying something about you, you have to actually pick the person who said the thing. I don’t think you can sue Pink News for printing the words someone else said, especially since that someone else was indeed quite a well known name in anti-trans…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.