Mainstream media tried (and failed) to manufacture transphobic outrage over Halifax pronoun badges

The propaganda machine kicked into high gear last week as we saw tabloids and papers attempt to manufacture transphobic outrage over Halifax’s pronoun badges. Which we can now reveal failed to have the impact they hoped it would.

Gemma Stone
3 min readJul 5, 2022
An employee badge attached to a blue blazer. It shows the Halifax logo and reads “Gemma she/her/hers”via Halifax

Transphobic dogpiles are nothing new, however they are making the news far more often than they ever have before. This because the mainstream media are aware of just how good for clicks it is when you report on the activities of a hate group with sympathy for the hate group. One of the latest to face this barrage was Halifax.

Halifax announced that they would be giving staff the option to include pronouns on their badges. A rather token gesture in my opinion which doesn’t really do anything to address the injustice of trans inequality in the UK at all. With Halifax being a member of the Lloyd’s Banking Group who report billions in profit each year; I think its fair to say they could do a bit more than badges.

Transphobes obviously went bezerk over the support for trans people by spamming the Halifax Twitter accounts, angrily saying they were going to…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.