Protestors Show Up At JK Rowling’s Home

Gemma Stone
5 min readNov 22, 2021

and this was probably not a great idea gang.

JK Rowling, she looks surprised which I imagine is the face of anyone who thought they were too rich for people to dislike them

JK Rowling has taken to Twitter once again to make herself seem like the victim of her transphobia. Notably she hasn’t said shit about republicans citing her in anti LGBTQIA+ bills in the US but she isn’t the victim in that case, so why would she. This time it appears as though some people have shown up at her house and then posted that online. Which JK seems to imply is to make it easy for others to find the house too, hurredly asking people to delete images with the address visible. Not that it was necessarily a well kept secret given articles like this about her massive bush.

I haven’t seen the original image and I can’t look up the people who did it to talk more about them. But from all I have been able to find on this story it seems they just rocked up to take a pic as a “fuck you” to the author who has repeatedly doubled down on her support for anti-trans hate groups here in the UK. Including in this very thread where she gives the names of multiple anti-trans activists including those who have signed declarations by groups calling for the “elimination of transgenderism.”

And I’m torn. On the one hand, I’m all for that in your face kind of activism. To borrow one of the most powerful chants I’ve ever heard, “no justice, no peace”. Meaning that those in majority classes don’t…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.