RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall called me toxic and abusive after implying a legal threat against me

RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall quote tweeted support of an article in the BMJ by Margaret McCartney taking a favourable view of The Cass Review. I described McCartney as a bigot which has subsequently led Cornwall to suggest I’m being toxic whilst implying legal action against me. He also suggests that I’m engaging in abuse and making it so there’s no discussion.

Gemma Stone
5 min readJun 1, 2024
A screenshot of a document from Royal College of Pyschiatrists where RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall works. The document also includes the code CR181 to identify it. A little easter egg for all my trans friends who have desperately tried to argue with a healthcare professional for basic healthcare.

While I am both of these things, especially to healthcare gatekeepers after having my oestrogen prescription revoked for no clinically beneficial reason last week; I don’t think I was on this occasion. On this occasion what got the ire of RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall is the fact I described Margaret McCartney as a bigot.

I did so for a few reasons. First is detailed in the article written by McCartney as a conflicting interest; she is the director of Beira’s Place.

This is an organisation solely funded by JK Rowling which was set up in part in retaliation to Mridul Wadhwa, a transgender woman and CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. Wadhwa has been on…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.