Robert Webb confronted about transphobia

Gemma Stone
7 min readApr 15, 2021

Quick edit: Some of Robert Webb’s transphobia (ie support for Lily Maynard as evidenced below) dates back to 2017 just after the release of his book How Not To Be A Boy whereas his “Mermaids sucks” tweet was in 2018.

What isn’t evidenced in this article is that prominent transgender people such as Juno Dawson politely tried to point out that he was platforming those with a blatant agenda via pointing out that Lily Maynard’s bio outright calls the existence of transgender children child abuse. Webb dismissed her, telling her to go read an article from a website which almost exclusively deals in transphobia.

Robert Webb is a British comedian and honestly I could have just stopped at “British” and you would already know where this is going. In late 2018 Webb became the latest British celebrity to take part in our national pastime; transphobia on social media. However recently, Webb appeared on a podcast alongside David Mitchell and seemed to play down his role in that.

The Bullseye Podcast is a public radio program and podcast based in Los Angeles, California. I’m not particularly familiar with the podcast or its hosts, but I have seen they did a show with Killer Mike recently which I’m highkey interested in hearing. So generally it seems like they interview celebrities, help them promote stuff and do the usual podcast-y kinda…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.