The BBC platformed LGB Alliance

Gemma Stone
6 min readDec 9, 2020

The BBC have once again platformed bigots in the name of balance. This time it was the dedicated anti-transgender equality hate group LGB Alliance, whose sole mission is the exclusion of transgender people from our own sexualities and also various spaces. They even dropped us from the all inclusive by design acronym, you know, the one that keeps expanding to include more and more people and not shrinking to exclude them instead? Yeah. That one.

This time a hate group were promoted and lent credibility by the BBC in an article surrounding a transgender teen suing the NHS over wait times. In the UK you can be expected to wait as long as 10 years to finally be given appointments and begin trying to convince someone the last 10 years of you pushing for this wasn’t actually a phase. It’s not a fun or pleasant experience as an adult and clearly the trans teens aren’t enjoying it either.

LGB Alliance, which is a Twitter account owned and run by four people and not in fact some big huge organisation with any real accountability such as Stonewall, should never have been contacted for comment on this story. They, in their own words, are an organisation supporting lesbian, gay and bisexual people who are not in any way anti-trans. There is no reason at all for this organisation to be giving comment on anything regarding trans health care, nor should they ever be approached…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.