The ‘obsession’ with trans ‘passing’.

Gemma Stone
8 min readJan 3, 2018

If you’re new to my writing; in short my objective is to converse with those opposed to trans rights, look at their concerns fairly and honestly, then try to dispell and explain the fiction and fact. Mostly I talk to TERFs — whom I prefer to call anti-trans, since validating their “feminism” at all seems wrong to me. Recently we’ve been talking about the obsession with trans people wanting to pass and I think this is a really important subject that needs to be properly deconstructed.

Oh and since the conversation surrounding passing is usually centered on trans women because passing for us is more difficult and we also face the brunt of societal objection this article is going to be mostly talking about this. Sorry trans dudes.

So here goes!

First of all, lets look at what the anti-trans brigade usually say about trans culture surrounding passing. In my experience its framed as a negative because we’re enforcing stereotypes, the focus on passing usually makes them believe that this is the entire point of what being trans even is. The motivations for passing are varied — from using passing to enter female spaces to using passing to live out a fetish called autogynephilia. Which in short is the sexual gratification from imagining oneself with a female form.

Passing, to these people, isn’t anything innocent or pleasant. It’s deceitful, deceptive, dishonest and spells trouble for them and the ideology they believe in. The seeming obsession with passing they argue, is part…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.