Transphobes accidentally celebrate progress on GRA reform

Gemma Stone
2 min readSep 20, 2020

I’ll try to keep this one brief, mostly because I didn’t intend to write anything today but I guess there’s no peace for trans people on Sundays in the UK anymore. Today’s tidbit stems from a piece in either The Times or The Sunday Times, I can’t really be bothered to check. Eitherway, the piece alleges that the PM is planning to not allow what’s been called ‘self ID’ and instead just to make the Gender Recognition Certificate cheaper to access.

Transphobes have been celebrating this all day on Twitter, claiming the tide is turning though I’m not sure how. The status quo is a transphobic country that ignores what trans people want and need, that hasn’t changed, no tide has turned. Others are claiming the GRA is dead in the water, though trans people have been quick to point out these alleged leaks aren’t anything we haven’t already seen. The fight for self ID marches on regardless, and will not stop until its been achieved.

That being said, lets all take a step back and have a look what’s happened here. Ignoring the fact that a large and vocal single-issue hate group have managed to obstruct our democracy so badly that we’ve stretched a simple issue of bureaucracy out into a 3 year long dedicated hate-campaign; which has even managed to pull in the entire repuation of our most esteemed celebrities and children’s book…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.