Transphobes Mob Edinburgh Medical School Over Transgender Man

Happy LGBTQIA+ History Month!

Gemma Stone
4 min readFeb 18, 2022
I searched Edinburgh Medical School and I have no idea if this is the right building or not, but its kinda pretty. It’s one of those old style universities with the green quad in the middle and some really beautiful gothic ass architecture. Hot as balls. (I have no idea if gothic is the way to describe this kind of architecture btw).

The transphobes, fresh off of losing a legal battle about the Scottish census and accidentally getting a judge to pretty much say that legal sex is already self ID in the far north, are not happy. That’s probably why they’re lashing out at Edinburgh Medical School celebrating James Barry, transgender man, as part of their #LGBHMM22 posts.

This is like most transphobe things where they truly believe they’ve got a good reason for behaving the way they do, but they just fucking don’t. They form a mob, they light the pitchforks, and they get going on shouting down anyone who doesn’t repeat their beliefs verbatim. All the while claiming it’s everyone else who is an online mob cancelling people and the UK media just… uncritically report that… like… as fact.

Transphobes believe that James Barry was a woman who pretended to be a man in order to have a career as a surgeon. Whereas modern understandings of James Barry’s life often frame him as a transgender man. It’s important to transphobes to deny trans histories because it props up their belief that all of this trans stuff is new, its a phase, and if they just hold strong they’ll weather the storm and it’ll all blow over. Trans histories throw a spanner in those works because they repeatedly prove…



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.