Why are people accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial?

People are accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial after the writer once again found herself at the centre of controversy due to transphobia. In this piece we will attempt two things; 1) to explain the situation and 2) to not get sued. Lets go!

Gemma Stone
10 min readMar 16, 2024
From left to right the image shows Bernhard Schapiro, Magnus Hirschfeld and Tao Lee

First lets give a quick timeline of events. The tweets that led to people accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial start with her response to NHS England’s decision to halt new puberty blocker prescriptions again. She quotes professor Carl Heneghan before launching into a tirade in response to a commenter. Her tweet reads:

“Well-funded lobbying groups drunk on their own power, politicians closing their eyes rather than suffer social media pushback, idiot celeb cheerleaders who’re about to go very quiet, pharmaceutical companies chasing profit, medics who abandoned ethics and should be in the dock.”

Rowling’s tweeting continued through March 13th and began to include screenshots of anonymised comments. At 1:57pm JK Rowling then posted the image and response which started all of this. It reads; “The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology



Gemma Stone

Transgender journalist. All of my writing is available for free @ TransWrites.World.