Is the Future of Robotics Here? A Closer Look at Uncanny Humanoid Robots

4 min readSep 1, 2023


In the age of advancing technology, human-like robots have become a topic of fascination and curiosity. Recently, there has been a circulating video of a remarkably lifelike gray robot that has left viewers wondering if it’s real or simply a clever fake. Well, at CES 2022, the Amica robot made its debut, and the experience of interacting with this robot was incredibly uncanny.

Amica is an incredibly realistic humanoid robot that raises the question: why design a robot that looks so human? According to the developers, the main purpose of a humanoid robot like Amica is for entertainment, communication, and interaction with people. While Amica is the pinnacle of what we can achieve in robotics, it is important to note that it doesn’t exactly replicate human features. The intention was to create a robot that looks like a robot, envisioning what humanoid robots would be like in the future.

But how did they manage to capture human expressions so accurately in Amica? The process begins by studying real human movements and behaviors, which is referred to as “animation first.” By understanding how humans move, Amica’s mechanics were designed accordingly to replicate lifelike movements. The designers then automated these expressions, leveraging the mechanics to achieve a realistic appearance.

Amica’s facial expressions are captivating. From subtle movements of “eyebrows” to a wide smile, the robot exudes human-like features. The team behind Amica incorporated several motors into its head, allowing for a range of facial expressions, including that big, inviting smile.

When considering the future application of Amica, it is anticipated that this robot will primarily serve in the realm of service robotics. This entails interacting with humans and navigating human spaces. However, the widespread adoption of such robots walking among us is probably a decade away. It may take another 10 or 20 years for Amica and similar robots to reach a level where they can exhibit complex movements like running, dancing, or even climbing, much like the robots developed by Boston Dynamics.

The developers of Amica emphasize the significance of designing an artificial body that resembles a human form. This approach allows for easier interaction and relatability without the need for exhaustive user manuals. Artificial intelligence also plays a role in Amica’s communication abilities. The current focus lies in the robot’s vision system, where cameras placed in its eyes enable it to detect and track faces, objects, and even gestures.

The internet’s response to Amica has been overwhelming, particularly due to its emotive facial expressions. The team was taken by surprise when their creation became an overnight sensation, garnering millions of views and even attracting the attention of prominent figures like Elon Musk. Amica’s public unveiling at CES marked a significant milestone, and the developers expect to be busy showcasing its capabilities.

Although there is an uncanny element to humanoid robots like Amica, the designers made a conscious effort to pull the robot back from the “uncanny valley.” By slightly deviating from a perfect human resemblance and incorporating elements like plastic, metal, and gray skin, Amica strikes a balance that resonates more positively with people.

During demonstrations, the power of interaction and the robot’s lifelike features become apparent. Amica responds to personal space and engages in conversations. Its shoulder movements mirror human range of motion, allowing for realistic gestures. These showcases highlight Amica’s captivating abilities and impressively lifelike features.

As we contemplate the place of robots like Amica in our lives, it is worth considering their potential roles. Airports, for instance, could benefit from robots assisting in human interactions. However, the idea of having Amica or similar robots in our homes as personal assistants seems less likely in the near future. Other specialized robots are better suited for specific tasks, offering better performance and affordability.

Working on the development of a widely acclaimed robot like Amica is undoubtedly an extraordinary experience. Being at the forefront of robotics and witnessing the immense response from the public is a testament to the power of innovation. The developers hope to continue to spark imagination and fascination while cementing Amica’s presence in popular culture.

In conclusion, Amica stands as a prime example of the remarkable progress in robotics. While it continues to blur the lines between man and machine, its purpose remains rooted in entertainment, communication, and human interaction. Although we may not witness humanoid robots like Amica becoming commonplace in the near future, their potential and the intrigue they evoke are undeniably captivating. Let us embrace the possibilities and keep an eye on their evolution.

