2 min readSep 6, 2015


I've had a few messages this weekend, asking what’s best to do to support refugees, and I've been struggling to come up with good answers. I'm no expert, but here are some thoughts, and links to people who are.

Learn more about what’s going on

This great post from Boaz Trust gives you some good links to follow.

Practical Support & Money

There are refugees in Calais, in Syria the UK and many other places, as well as. All of them need support.

Refugees in the UK:

House a refugee: Citizens UK have a campaign asking people to volunteer to host a refugee or refugee family in their homes. We’ve signed up and written to the council to say we have a spare room from January (within certain demographics). Could you do this?

Give Moneyyou could support the Boaz Trust, for whom I work. We help destitute refused Asylum seekers, who’ve been through a deeply injust system, and are trying to lay the past behind them and build a new life. We especially need money for food and to keep paying for housing while we help them pursue a new asylum case. Boaz is awesome, and well worth giving money to.

Refugees abroad

Give equipment, clothes and time: Syria relief are excellent, and have regular opportunities for volunteers to help, and take donations. This weekend you could have helped sort supplies for Syria at a market in Manchester. Follow them on Facebook, or donate the clothes and supplies they want. If you’re in Liverpool there are places you can drop them here too.

Give Money: Support refugees in Jordan. I know the project here and can personally vouch for how well it’s run. Two current things you can donate to: — A three day getaway for volunteers. So many Jordanian volunteers have been giving their whole lives for years supporting refugees. This getaway is more essential than you’d think.
Give directly to local refugees in Jordan. Syrian Kitchen isn’t really running at the moment, but I can give you direct bank details, or you can donate directly though me. Message me.

Refugees in Calais

Given equipment and money: This is harder as every project set-up seems to quickly meet their capacity. The Liverpool Calais action group seems excellent though.


Go yourself

This one is a little different, and less immediate. The world needs people who are prepared to go and meet refugees where they are, yes to offer direct support, but primarily to listen to the stories of fellow humans, to be peace makers and to come back and share your experiences. It’s costs a fair bit, but makes a substantial difference, both to the families you’ll meet, and to you and the people surrounding you. It’s about what’s happening now, but also what happens next, and what happens for the families you’ll meet, and in the region in the next 20 years. Peace making starts with people prepared to do something, and you can be one of the people making a difference.

A friend of mine is leading two trips to Jordan, in November, and May/June, and would welcome interest.


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