End of Beginning.

2 min readMar 14, 2024


Chicago, with its towering skyline and bustling streets, always felt like home. Yet, every time he returned, she couldn’t shake the feeling of nostalgia mixed with a tinge of melancholy. Twenty-four was an important year, a time of transition and self-discovery that left an indelible mark on her soul.

As she wandered the familiar neighborhoods, she couldn’t help but reflect on the person he used to be— the dreams he once chased, the fears she once conquered. It was as if she was revisiting an old version of herself, one that she had outgrown yet couldn’t quite let go of.

Enter Troubadour, the wandering minstrel whose haunting melodies seemed to capture the essence of his inner turmoil. With each chord he strummed and every word she sang, she felt a pang of recognition, as if she was narrating his own story back to her.

The song of life had begun anew, its melody weaving through the streets of Chicago like a guiding light. And as she navigated the twists and turns of his journey, she couldn’t help but amazed at the irony of it all— how the very sacrifices he once made in ignorance had paved the way for the person she had become.

And then, like a breath of fresh air, there’s someone entered her life. With his infectious optimism and unwavering belief in her, he became the beacon of hope she never knew she needed. His presence was a reminder that no matter how uncertain the future may seem, there was always room for trust and faith in the journey ahead.

So, as i waved goodbye to the end of the beginning, i embraced the promise of a new chapter with open arms.

With Troubadour’s melodies still echoing in his mind and that someone by her side, she took a leap of faith into the unknown, knowing deep down that everything would be just fine.

