Terminal Magic: Installing Chromium Browser on Ubuntu 22.04

Jack Nothan
2 min readJan 29, 2024


1. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or by searching for “Terminal” in the application menu.

2. First, update the package lists by typing the following command and pressing Enter:

sudo apt update

3. After the update is complete, you can install Chromium by entering the following command and pressing Enter:

sudo apt install chromium-browser

4. You may be asked to confirm the installation by typing Y and then pressing Enter.

5. Once the installation is complete, you can open Chromium by searching for it in the application menu or by typing chromium-browser in the terminal and pressing Enter.

Congratulations! You have successfully Chromium Browser Setup on Ubuntu 22.04 Using Terminal. You can now enjoy browsing the web using this open-source browser.

Chromium is an open-source web browser that serves as the foundation for the popular Google Chrome browser. It offers a minimalist interface, fast performance, and support for a wide range of extensions. Additionally, Chromium is known for its focus on security and privacy, making it a popular choice among users who value these aspects.

By using the terminal to install software, you gain a deeper understanding of your system and can take advantage of the powerful package management capabilities offered by Ubuntu. This method also ensures that you have the latest version of the software and that it receives updates along with the rest of your system.

Remember to periodically update your software by running sudo apt update followed by sudo apt upgrade in the terminal to keep your system and applications secure and up to date. Enjoy your browsing experience with Chromium on Ubuntu 22.04!



Jack Nothan

I am very interested in Linux and Windows and network operating system as well as network structure