and to heal, you must first allow yourself to feel everything

remi ;༊
2 min readAug 10, 2024



It’s supposed to be hard. This journey — this life — is not always easy. Sometimes, it feels like everything is against us, but that doesn’t mean we should give up.

Life has a way of testing us. There are times when the pain feels unbearable, and we wish we could just escape it. But the truth is, to heal, we must first allow ourselves to feel everything.

Let it hurt. Let it sting. Let the pain to seep into every part of you until you’ve felt it all. Because only then can you start to heal.

It’s okay to cry, to scream, to feel like you’re breaking apart. That’s part of the process. It’s part of what makes us human. And it’s only by going through it, by truly feeling everything, that we can come out the other side stronger.

In these moments of deep pain, we learn the most about ourselves. We learn how much we can endure, how far we can go, and what truly matters to us. The pain, as awful as it is, shapes us. It teaches us how to be strong.

And as time goes on, the pain will start to fade. It won’t disappear overnight, but it will lessen. The sharp edges will soften. The heavy weight on your chest will lighten.

One day, you’ll wake up and realize that the pain isn’t the first thing on your mind anymore. That’s when you’ll know you’ve started to heal.

Healing doesn’t mean forgetting. It doesn’t mean pretending that the pain never existed. It means accepting it as part of your story. It means embracing the scars and the lessons they bring.

So, let yourself feel everything. Don’t run from the pain. Face it head-on. Let yourself break down if you need to. And then, when you’re ready, start to rebuild. Piece by piece, put yourself back together — stronger than before.

Healing is not a destination — it’s a journey. And it’s one that starts with feeling every single thing.

Let it hurt until it hurts no more.

