How To Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down

Pragati Mahapatra
2 min readMar 11, 2020


Credit: Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Life can knock you down sometimes and the only way to get back up and make your time count even in the face of obstacles is a real show of strength. Here are certain tips to push yourself to be the best version of yourself, especially on days when you feel the worst.

Take out time to spend with yourself

Spend some time with yourself and figure yourself out. We need to give as much love and credit to ourselves as we give to others.

Maintain a gratitude journal

Before you start your day or before you turn in just make a note of the things you are grateful for. It could have been something that happened that day or just in general. Do it and witness beautiful things unfold.

Set your goals

Each one of us has different ways that we use to reach our destinations, but making that list is important. Once we create a list of goals that we would like to finish, we will really push ourselves to finish those.

Watch and read inspiring talks

Watch some Ted talks, listen to some Podcasts, read some inspiring blogs, and assure yourself that the problem has a solution. On a personal level, even if the article or video doesn’t help me too much, it’s just comforting to know that I am not alone.

Give yourself the talk

Look at yourself in the eyes and say all that you’d have said to your best friend had he/she been in the same situation. Be your own person.

