to be loved is to be known

remi ;༊
2 min readJun 7, 2024


Our Beloved Summer (2021)

“How did you know that?”

“Because I know you.”

To be loved is to be known. It’s a feeling that goes beyond words because someone sees you for who you truly are. They notice the little things that even you might overlook. The way you tap your foot when you’re anxious, or how you always sing along to your favorite song in public. They remember your birthday without needing a reminder. They know your favorite book without having to ask.

“Just let her be, maybe she’s feeling down.”

“She’s just tired.”

“She prefers silence over small talk.”

“She bites her nails when she’s nervous.”

“She needs a hug.”

To be loved is to be understood. To be understood when words fail you.

When someone knows you, they can sense your moods without a single word. They recognize when you need space and when you need comfort. They understand your dreams and fears, your joys and sorrows. This deep understanding is a cornerstone of love. It makes you feel seen and valued. It’s not just about sharing good times, but about being there through the ups and downs.

This kind of love creates a safe space where you can be yourself without fear of judgment. You don’t have to pretend or hide your true feelings. You are accepted for who you are — flaws and all. The love that knows you is the love that stays and grows.

“She doesn’t eat that.”

“Her favorite color is pink.”

“She loves reading.”

“She enjoys watching the sunset.”

“She always orders the same flavor — cookies and cream.”

To be loved is to be seen. To be seen when you feel invisible.

Being known means someone has taken the time to learn about you — to pay attention to the details that make you unique. It’s a love that listens, that asks questions, and that cares about the answers. It’s a love that remembers the little things — the stories you’ve told, the songs you’ve recommended, and the experiences you’ve shared.

To be known in this way is to feel a sense of belonging that is irreplaceable. It’s knowing that someone sees you, hears you, and understands you, even when you’re silent. It’s a reminder that you are never alone, that there is always someone who knows and loves the real you.

To be loved is to be known, to be understood, to be accepted, to be seen, to be heard, and to be valued.

