NounPunks Explode Into The Metaverse With Our New 3D Collection: superBLOX!

7 min readFeb 3, 2022



It was a normal morning in the studio. We got to our desks after a few hours of sleep, poured some coffee, and sat down to work … when we noticed some strange activity on the blockchain. One of the neighborhoods of the Metaverse was !vibing much harder than usual. Did we miss a block party invitation? We thought we’d better investigate. What we discovered when we arrived changed everything. The block was jam-packed with our beloved NounPunks — transformed from 9969 2D heads to 9969 3D bodies! Every unique NounPunks pixel transformed into animated 3D avatars — zombies, apes, humans all singing, dancing and !vibing. It was perfection.

We are thrilled to announce the next step in our journey together into the Metaverse. On March 7, 9969 unique and hand-modeled 3D superBLOX avatars will come to life on the blockchain in vivid texture, color and, of course, dimension.

As you all know by now, the team that brought you NounPunks !vibes hard. We dropped NounPunks without a “roadmap” or empty promises of “utility” — just dope art, good !vibes, and the unshakable determination to build this amazing community into a permanent cornerstone of the Metaverse.

NounPunks minted out less than one month ago. Since that moment, the team has been working tirelessly. Connecting with the community, providing education and alpha, and building the most iconic, original collection that the Metaverse has ever seen.

Enter superBLOX.

NounPunks pixels woven into animated 3D Metaverse-ready avatars, bring to life the SuperBLOX collection. With superBLOX, all the iconic traits and features from your NounPunks (and tons of additional new traits and features) will be available in stunning 3D.

But don’t take our word for it, take a look for yourself:

And in addition to the full-body 3D model, after mint our art team will make it possible for all holders to download hi-res PFP-ready cropped images of your 3D model from different angles to be flexed on social media like Twitter, Discord and… sure, why not, LinkedIn too.

And we’re not stopping there. We believe that in order to be a cornerstone of the Metaverse, our community needs avatars that are 100% Metaverse-ready. So, you guessed it, we’re building that too. The superBLOX avatars will be rigged for use and playability in all the most popular Metaverse games and platforms including Decentraland and Sandbox!

We are obsessed with perfecting the process and developing every unique pixelated trait so that each interaction with our artwork resonates deeply with its holders. All our work is CC0. Our journey and creations are part of your journey and creations. CC0 gives you full personal and commercial license to use and build on your superBLOX avatars however you wish.

We hope it’s obvious by now, but we will not rest until our block is the most coveted real estate on the blockchain, and we will not stop building until our !vibes reverberate throughout every corner of the Metaverse. And then we’ll probably keep building anyway.

Now for some logistics…*RLFKkxdLGb4ydliiAW1EzA.png

New Collection FAQ:

Wen mint?

All NounPunks Holders will have what we’re calling a Platinum Tier VIP Mint pass, just for owning a NP! This means that for a full 24 hours starting on MARCH 7 AT 5PM PST / 8 PM EST you will have early access to mint one (1) superBLOX 3D NFT for every NounPunks that you own, and for an extremely low holders-only price of 0.0269 ETH. (limit of 20 per tx.)*8wRk64TrFU0V-qQEG7PkcA.png

After the initial VIP 24 hour period is up, the superBLOX mint will open to our GOLD TIER FRENS LIST.

Gold Tier Frens: Sartoshi mfers, CreatureToadz. TheJims!
  1. Gold Tier- Frens Mint — Holders belonging to 3 special NFT communities, carefully selected to match our !vibe and who have supported us from Day 1, will have the (First-come, First-served) opportunity to mint TWO 30% discounted superBLOX NFTs, starting MARCH 8 AT 5Pm PST / 8PM EST, for a discounted Fren’s price of 0.069 ETH (for the culture.) These 3 communities are as follows: Sartoshi’s mfers, CreatureToadz, and TheJims by FingerprintsDAO / supergremplin.
  2. Silver Tier- Public Mint — Anyone who does not yet own a NounPunk, or belong to one of our 3 Fren Communities will be able to mint starting MAR 9 at 5PM PST / 8PM EST for the regular mint price of 0.089 ETH.

In summary, a helpful infographic:

What Makes Us Special?

Today marks one month since minting out all 9969 NounPunks NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain. Since that time, our team has had our heads down working on many projects and initiatives that fit into our Mission Statement, which is encapsulated (fittingly) in the word VIBE:*iuobqgyxC8ywkR1tgwfN3Q.png

Our team is active on Discord and Twitter every single day, !vibing with our community and answering any and all questions as they come. We have a thriving TikTok channel with fun and educational content and almost 1000 followers already in just over 2 weeks.

We have been publishing regular longer form educational content here on Medium, in Twitter threads and on YouTube, and will be working to categorize and sort all this content into a centralized archive called NounPunks University:*KtatVLajnBKlK8zIdVGkyg.jpeg

On the topic of Inclusion, we have used our platform to inspire conversations around important topics such as the representation of women in the NFT Space, hosting a powerful Twitter Spaces on the topic with prominent guests including Claire Silver and Marlo Johnston.

On that Spaces, we announced a special Grant Program for Aspiring Women Artists, which will consist of 10 Contests awarding a design-capable laptop and a course bursary from Coursera. Our first contest was run two weeks ago on Twitter, check the hashtag #NounPunksGiveBack to see all the entries. Our first winner, Flo Casco was blown away to receive her new laptop already, and made us this custom art piece as a thank you:

And finally, in the midst of all of the above, our team has been hard at work, modelling each and every trait by hand for our new superBLOX collection. From Day One, we have been receiving questions from our community about making NounPunks Metaverse-ready, since that is clearly the direction that Web 3 is headed.

Well, we heard you, and we’ve wasted no time in taking this important first step towards providing fully rigged Metaverse-ready NFTs. Rigging these 3D models will be our next priority, after all 9969 superBLOX have found their new homes in your wallets!

Creating meaningful experiences and value for our community members is at the heart of every single pixel placement, every single piece of content. We want this to be felt with each Nounpunks and superBLOX experience, whether that be in the Metaverse or in real life.

By meticulously combining elements of art, inclusion, CC0, and education, we are creating a special block in the Metaverse where every holder can grow, build and vibe. It is not an end goal, but a continuous flow that creates meaning and value. Just like art, “!vibe never dies”.

In a nutshell, that’s who we are and what we’re doing, and what makes us so special: We are always BUILDING.

We have lots of other projects and surprises up our sleeves, and can only say that it will ALWAYS pay to hold OG NounPunks in your wallet… and in many cases, there will be some pretty awesome future perks for holding BOTH NounPunks and superBLOX.

We are so excited to embark on this multi-dimensional journey with all of you, and can’t wait to kick the party off in a couple weeks. Be there, or be ⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨.





Welcome all to our press page — where the community can learn more about the project and get to know the team a little better.