Finding Home: Navigating the Loneliness of an International Student Returning for the Holidays

3 min readDec 20, 2023
Photo by Vusal Ibadzade on Unsplash

As the holiday season approaches, I find myself on the precipice of a bittersweet journey — returning home as an international student after three years away. The excitement of reuniting with family is tinged with a profound sense of apprehension. You see, in these years abroad, the concept of “home” has undergone a transformation, leaving me with a haunting question: Where is home? Join me on this reflective journey as I explore the complexities of returning, the challenges of forging connections, and the fear of loneliness that looms like a shadow.

The Nomadic Heart: Home used to be a constant, but as an international student, my heart has become a nomad, wandering between the familiarity of my past and the uncertainty of my present. The idea of “home” has morphed into an elusive concept, and returning feels like trying to grasp smoke.

Lost Connections: May 2023 was my last visit, and in the whirlwind of academic pursuits, friendships became casualties. The connections that once tethered me to this place were frayed, and the prospect of returning reveals the stark reality — I’ve lost more than I anticipated.

Strangers in a Familiar Land: France, the country that welcomed me with open arms, now feels like a foreign land. The struggle to make genuine connections in a sea of transient friendships has left me feeling like a stranger in a place I once called home.

Beyond the Surface: The social landscape here revolves around fleeting interactions — going for drinks, attending events — superficial connections that barely scratch the surface of true camaraderie. As someone who values meaningful relationships, the lack of depth leaves a void that becomes more apparent as I prepare to return.

The Weight of Loneliness: Four days until I board that plane and the weight of loneliness bears down on me. The fear of returning to an empty emotional landscape, where connections have withered, intensifies with each passing moment.

Seeking Genuine Bonds: It’s not that I haven’t tried. I’ve yearned for friendships that transcend the ephemeral nature of student life. However, the challenge lies in finding kindred spirits amid the transient rhythm of academic demands and social rituals.

Navigating the Desolation: As I brace myself for the loneliness that awaits, I contemplate strategies for navigating this emotional desolation. Perhaps it’s time to venture beyond the confines of my comfort zone and seek connections that resonate with authenticity.

A Cry for Connection: This blog is not just a personal reflection; it’s a cry for connection. An acknowledgment of the shared struggle faced by international students, who, in pursuit of academic excellence, grapple with the alienation that comes with navigating foreign social landscapes.

The Healing Power of Shared Stories: In sharing my story, I hope to bridge the gap between the isolation felt by international students and the understanding of those who may have inadvertently contributed to the sense of disconnection.

Building Bridges, Not Bars: Let’s build bridges instead of bars. Break down the walls of isolation by fostering a community where meaningful connections are not just appreciated but actively cultivated.

As I embark on this emotionally charged journey, I invite you to join me in the exploration of what it means to find a home, build connections, and to navigate the loneliness that shadows the return of an international student. Together, let’s transform the fear of loneliness into an opportunity for shared understanding, empathy, and the genuine connections we all crave. After all, in our shared stories, we may discover that the concept of “home” is not confined to a place but resides in the hearts we touch along the way.

I will update you by the end of my visit; thank you so much for reading.




A STEM international student that loves righting to fight her loneliness