Optimizing React: Memory Optimization

Nouraldin Alsweirki
6 min readJun 25, 2023



Efficient memory management is paramount for delivering high-performance Javascript applications in general, and React apps in specific. Excessive garbage collection can hinder responsiveness and introduce performance bottlenecks. In this article, we explore the impact of garbage collection on React performance and provide techniques to minimize unnecessary garbage collection calls. By optimizing garbage collection, developers can achieve smoother user experiences and improved overall performance. And while this article talks about React optimization, everything we talk about in here is applicable in every aspect of using Javascript, so as a general note, whatever we mention about React here is applied to Javascript.

Understanding Garbage Collection in JavaScript

Unlike low-level languages such as C, where manual memory management is necessary, JavaScript incorporates automatic memory management through garbage collection. Garbage collection is the process of reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer needed, allowing developers to focus on application logic rather than memory management intricacies. In JavaScript engines like V8, which powers popular browsers and Node.js, garbage collection is performed automatically in the background.

Garbage collection in JavaScript utilizes sophisticated algorithms, including generational garbage collection. This approach categorizes objects into different generations based on their lifespan and allocates them to separate memory spaces. The concept of generational garbage collection stems from the observation that most objects have a short lifespan. The young generation, where short-lived objects primarily reside, undergoes frequent garbage collection cycles known as MinorGC. During MinorGC, the garbage collector identifies and collects unused objects, ensuring efficient memory utilization in the young generation.

Objects that survive multiple MinorGC cycles are promoted to the old generation, where long-lived objects reside. The old generation is managed by a less frequent garbage collection cycle called MajorGC. In MajorGC, the garbage collector traverses the object graph, marks live objects, sweeps unreachable objects, and compacts memory for improved memory locality.

The combination of MinorGC and MajorGC in JavaScript’s garbage collection process ensures efficient memory management across different object lifespans. Developers can benefit from this automatic memory management system, focusing on application logic while the underlying garbage collector handles memory deallocation and optimization.

Identifying Excessive Garbage Collection

A great tool for tracing what’s happening under the hood of your browser is chrome’s built in tracing, to trace GC calls: go to chrome://tracing > Select Record > Manually select settings > Select only V8

To optimize React applications and minimize unnecessary garbage collection, it is crucial to identify scenarios that contribute to excessive garbage creation. Let’s examine a real-world example of a data visualization component to illustrate this issue.

Consider a React application that includes a live updating chart component. This component receives new data at regular intervals and updates the chart accordingly. However, due to inefficient coding practices, unnecessary garbage is created during each update, leading to excessive garbage collection calls.

In the original implementation, the code responsible for updating the chart data used array concatenation to combine the existing chartData array with the new data. This approach resulted in the creation of a new array with each update, contributing to unnecessary garbage creation. Here's the inefficient code snippet:

const LiveChart = () => {
const [chartData, setChartData] = useState<number[]>([]);

const updateChart = () => {
const newData = generateNewData();

// Inefficient code causing unnecessary garbage
const updatedData = [...chartData, ...newData]

const renderChart = () => { ... };

useEffect(() => {
const intervalId = setInterval(updateChart, 1000);

return () => {
}, [chartData]);

return <canvas id="chartCanvas" />;

export default LiveChart;

In this code, the updatedData array is created with the spread operator, which results in unnecessary garbage generation. Each time updateChart is called, a new array is created and assigned to updatedData, leading to additional memory allocation and potential garbage collection.

To address this issue, a simple tweak can significantly reduce unnecessary garbage collection calls. By leveraging the functional form of the setState function in React, we can update the chartData immutably without the need for array concatenation. Here's the updated code:

const updateChart = () => {
const newData = generateNewData();

// Update chartData immutably using functional form of setState
setChartData((prevChartData) => [...prevChartData, ...newData]);

By directly passing a function to setChartData, we can access the previous state (prevChartData) and create a new array that combines the previous data with the new data. This approach avoids unnecessary array concatenation and minimizes garbage generation during each update.

It is important to note that the optimizations demonstrated in this example are for illustration purposes. While these changes may only gain us a few tens of milliseconds of improved performance in this particular code snippet, they serve to highlight the impact of inefficient variable declaration within functions that are called continuously.

In larger applications that are not mindful of efficient memory management, the accumulation of unnecessary garbage and excessive garbage collection calls can have a much more significant impact. Such applications may experience delays in processing, slower rendering times, and even degrade the overall user experience. By adopting proper variable declaration practices and minimizing unnecessary garbage creation, developers can potentially gain seconds of CPU time and greatly improve the performance of their React applications.

Additional Optimization Strategies

To further optimize React applications and minimize garbage collection overhead, there are several additional strategies and best practices that developers can employ. These techniques focus on efficient memory management, reducing unnecessary object creation, and optimizing the performance of React components. Let’s explore some of these strategies:

  1. Object Pooling: Object pooling is a technique that involves reusing objects instead of creating new ones. By maintaining a pool of pre-allocated objects, you can reduce the frequency of garbage collection by reusing existing objects whenever possible. This can be particularly beneficial in scenarios where objects are created and discarded frequently, such as rendering lists or managing frequently updated data.
  2. Memoization: Memoization is a process of caching the results of expensive function calls and reusing them when the same inputs occur again. In React, you can use memoization techniques like React.memo or custom memoization hooks to prevent unnecessary re-renders of components and avoid unnecessary object creation. By memoizing computationally expensive operations or complex data transformations, you can significantly improve performance and reduce garbage collection overhead.
  3. Event and Subscription Management: Improper event and subscription management can lead to memory leaks and unnecessary object retention. It is important to correctly subscribe and unsubscribe from events, timers, or other external resources to ensure that objects associated with these resources are properly released when no longer needed. Failure to do so can result in the accumulation of unnecessary objects and increased garbage collection pressure.
  4. Component and Render Optimization: Analyze your React components for potential optimizations. Look for opportunities to minimize unnecessary re-renders by using React.memo, shouldComponentUpdate, or the useMemo and useCallback hooks. By selectively re-rendering components only when necessary, you can reduce unnecessary object creation and garbage collection overhead.
  5. Memory Profiling and Performance Monitoring: Utilize memory profiling and performance monitoring tools to identify areas of your application that may be contributing to excessive garbage creation or impacting overall performance. Tools like the React DevTools Profiler or browser-based performance profiling tools can provide insights into memory usage, component lifecycles, and performance bottlenecks. By analyzing and optimizing critical areas of your application, you can minimize unnecessary garbage collection and enhance overall performance.

By incorporating these optimization strategies into your React development workflow, you can reduce unnecessary garbage collection calls, improve memory management, and enhance the overall efficiency of your applications. Remember, the goal is to minimize unnecessary object creation, properly manage resources, and ensure that objects are released when they are no longer needed. By being mindful of these principles, you can create performant and responsive React applications that deliver an optimal user experience.


Optimizing for garbage collection in React applications is crucial to improving performance and memory efficiency. By identifying and addressing scenarios that contribute to excessive unnecessary garbage creation, such as unnecessary object creation and inefficient memory management, developers can reduce the burden on the garbage collector and enhance overall application responsiveness. Through strategies we’ve mentioned, React applications can minimize unnecessary garbage collection calls and achieve optimal performance. Being mindful of these optimization techniques is essential, especially in large-scale applications where small optimizations can accumulate to save valuable CPU time and enhance the user experience.

By understanding how garbage collection affects React applications and implementing effective optimization techniques, developers can ensure smoother user experiences, reduced resource consumption, and improved overall performance. Join us as we delve into the world of optimizing React and dive into the realm of garbage collection to unlock the full potential of your applications.

